Big Island Guerilla Grow school & Interrogation Center

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Mahalo Puna Buds for your reply. I have been only using bagseed or clones before but this year I decide to order some seeds and just wanted to find strains that can handle the rain and humidity. I have DNA Lemon Skunk so I will try that along with Vanilla Kush and LSD.
basically you should look for a hydrid mix. You never said if you live in an arrid dry area like Makaha, or Lahaina, Kapahulu. Or somewhere wet like Hana Maui,or Kaneohe? Stay away from full on Sativas, unless you got lots of patients. They just take to long. Indicas, I'd stay away from them too if you are anywhere were it rains alot? Bud Rot a big problem with indicas. So I highly reccomend that you find a 60/40 hybrid of your choice, one that does good in our climate.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
I am ashamed of Oahu. The smokers, med patients, & growers are the biggest in shear numbers of all the islands. Yet Honolulu doesn't have May 1st Cannabis march parade permit? This is a world march, a show of numbers in support in legalization, and Oahu's got nothing to offer the movement?
Big Island, Hilo is the starting point for the world Cannabis march here in the islands. Seems that apathy, or a lot of joints kills the initiative, or drive from folks from Oahu? I think this world march is important for us who want to see our favorite plant legal.



Well-Known Member
alohas braddah, I am from oahu but my family moved to big island

next few months for me are going to be hectic hectic hectic as im super busy setting up rooms, but the time will come and I will come down and visit you folks!

I'm mostly focusing on indicas because i'm totally indoors now, and security is playing a huge factor in my mindset. that doesn't mean i dont have any sativas tho :) lots of oldschool and newschool sativas in the mix... SSSC 1983 hawaiian sativa is popping out of the soil as we speak