big undercover cop bust at my high school.


Well-Known Member
check this shit out. I'm a senior at my high school close to graduating and all that, and these cops roll up 6 at a time in teams, go into certain classrooms, and then they arrested the students (some were read there rights there, some outside I guess) all right in the middle of class, no digression to teachers or students.

luckilly, I never talked to or knew the kid. but my name was probably known and in the "friend" category . . . I did know around 7 of the 13 minors that were arrested that day.


Well-Known Member
you wouldn't believe it. the dude was 23, looked just like a 16 or 17 year old . . . fuckin insane. he had a wire on him at all times and was wired directly to the police department through his backpack . . . haha.

guess what he said he wanted to do for his senior project . . . job shadow law enforcement . . . (I heard this later from my senior project adviser . . )

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
they would take drug dogs around the parking lot at my high school---but they would put it in the paper a week before they did it :)


Well-Known Member
they dont give any warning around here.
lesson learned... keep it in my bookbag that was with me at all times
When I was in high school I smoked in an office park near the school and just hid my stash and piece in the woods. I never took it on school property, once your on campus you give up a lot of rights...


Well-Known Member
man when i was in highschool i was dumb i would walk around with a half ounce and my pipe in my surprised i never got busted for that shit really i was one dumbass kid

so did you know that cop? like had a class with him or some shit?


Well-Known Member
nope, I luckily didn't have any relation to him whatsoever. but I don't come off as the stoner type at first so I have that to my advantage.


Well-Known Member
always a good idea not to look the makes me laugh to see someone walking around in all SRH clothes.....cops target that shit man. but at least you didn't get caught up in that bullshit