Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't believe in your religion.This is why people hate you, because you don't know when to shut your mouth and leave well enough alone.You're delusional, that much is obvious.And your constant need for attention is pathetic.You continue to try to push your beliefs onto those who don't want it,showing a lack of empathy and close-mindedness that is astounding in its extremes.You, sir, are the very sheep you profess to liberate,a brainwashed fool with nothing better to do than be a false prophet spamming an internet forum for his kicks.If the mods won't do anything about you, maybe Roll it up will.


Well-Known Member
Im so fucking angry at life right now you know? I mean, im always so nice and shit, and I get pissed at myself for being nice it pisses me off that im happy all the time and nice to poeple all the time. All of these years of being brought up to be kind and good hearted has burned that image into my mind and made me like this. Sometimes I look at how other people treat me and just how my life is in general and it makes me mad seeing as how hard I try to do good. I want to fucking hate but I cant, and that makes me really fucking angry.

I need a blunt.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Awwww....I'll hate for you, it seems to come easily to me.:hug::hug::hug:
Im so fucking angry at life right now you know? I mean, im always so nice and shit, and I get pissed at myself for being nice it pisses me off that im happy all the time and nice to poeple all the time. All of these years of being brought up to be kind and good hearted has burned that image into my mind and made me like this. Sometimes I look at how other people treat me and just how my life is in general and it makes me mad seeing as how hard I try to do good. I want to fucking hate but I cant, and that makes me really fucking angry.

I need a blunt.


Well-Known Member
Morning all.. just got a call from vette... china's gone in for her op... lets all give her our thoughts and love.......;-)

Wetarded, take that shit elsewhere please
Wetarded WTF happened..I used to enjoy your posts in politics and others but now... why not just get back to being part of the gang instead of an irritant to it.... bongsmilie

Im so fucking angry at life right now you know? I mean, im always so nice and shit, and I get pissed at myself for being nice it pisses me off that im happy all the time and nice to poeple all the time. All of these years of being brought up to be kind and good hearted has burned that image into my mind and made me like this. Sometimes I look at how other people treat me and just how my life is in general and it makes me mad seeing as how hard I try to do good. I want to fucking hate but I cant, and that makes me really fucking angry.

I need a blunt.
I hear you.. I've helped a few less fortunate friends lately and got my ass bitten... Now a few are wrecking it for many........:eyesmoke: but I still try to believe in good people..but sometimes its hard..


Well-Known Member
Damn what's with all the Jesus rambling?

Don't you hate those right wing religious sects that think they'll right and everyone else is wrong?

Don't you know the translation of Virgin is un-wed... Meaning "Jesus" was the bastard son of a 35 year old carpenter and a 15 year old?

Don't you know at this time in history you'd get stoned to death for such actions?

That's the reason they had to flee the city and go on the lam to have their love child, and why they were turned away from all the motels, and ended up having their child in a barn in a feeding troff... You know the christmas story?

I don't believe god had anything to do with this story, but, living the life of a bastard child would open your eyes to a lot of misrepresented hate and most likely give you the value "love thy neighbor as you would yourself" which is the common rule among all religious beliefs...

And yet religion is the main reason for all of the world's wars...

Stupid right wing religious sects...:finger:

Morning Twisty. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, I just realized the screen name is "We Love One"

What a perfect explaination...

Shouldn't it be, "We Love All"


"I Love All"

Stupid Jesus Freak... Don't you know Jesus wasn't even his name until a few hundred years ago... His name is pronounced Hese, but it's written in Aramaic... And he wasn't white until world war 2...