Biggest turn ONS :D


Well-Known Member
shorter than me, dark (straight) hair, bright eyes, pale skin, cute face. nothing else matters as long as they aren't crazy or whorish

Everything here except i dont care if there hair is curly or straight or what color eyes they have, Aslong as she isnt a whore/crazy its good with me. I actually do like dorky girls there easier to get along with than the preppy ones.


Well-Known Member
shorter than me, dark (straight) hair, bright eyes, pale skin, cute face. nothing else matters as long as they aren't crazy or whorish

Everything here except i dont care if there hair is curly or straight or what color eyes they have, Aslong as she isnt a whore/crazy its good with me. I actually do like dorky girls there easier to get along with than the preppy ones. I also like short girls for some reason most girls i've had a crush on were like 5'2 tall, while im at 5'8.


Well-Known Member
gotta have a nice ass, nice curves, and doesnt get jelous of the gorgeous girls in my closet ;) haha
also im only attracted to girls i could b friends with too, aint dating no girl i cant spen time with without bein sexual ya kno. gotta b compatable


Active Member
Love a pretty face and eyes
Girls that are sweet and very feminine(noises and voice)
pretty hair
and flat to curvy shape
Got I love it.


Well-Known Member
I like big girls with big tits and big asses and the confidence to understand that I find them visually appealing, and the graciousness to shake it in front of me and let me see it.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
all right.. I am cheating (as I already have my lady):

Someone who can talk to me no matter what is bothering her, and someone I can do the same with. Someone who I can tell my deepest, darkest secrets to, yet she still stays by my side. Someone who no matter how frustrated we are, we sit down and TALK about what is bothering each other (not argue). Someone who is there for me and supports me, and someone I can be there for and to support.

She is beautiful in all ways, body, mind, and soul. She is cute, she is sexy, she is beautiful, and she is adorable. She is sincere and she is loyal. She is extremely mature, but extremely childish. She is herself and does not change how she acts for me.

I could go on all day, but most importantly... she is my soul mate, and I will love her for all eternity.
all right.. I am cheating (as I already have my lady):

Someone who can talk to me no matter what is bothering her, and someone I can do the same with. Someone who I can tell my deepest, darkest secrets to, yet she still stays by my side. Someone who no matter how frustrated we are, we sit down and TALK about what is bothering each other (not argue). Someone who is there for me and supports me, and someone I can be there for and to support.

She is beautiful in all ways, body, mind, and soul. She is cute, she is sexy, she is beautiful, and she is adorable. She is sincere and she is loyal. She is extremely mature, but extremely childish. She is herself and does not change how she acts for me.

I could go on all day, but most importantly... she is my soul mate, and I will love her for all eternity.
That's deep.
Deep down 98% of people feel this way whether they admit it or not.


Girls who are intrinsically happy. i.e. happiness not induced by weed. (or some other shit)

Although happiness induced by weed is good too. ;)


Well-Known Member
Intellegence, ability to hold a good conversation,Handful sized boobies, juicy ass ( no mash potatoe ass), flat stomach, good sense of fashion, music, doesnt have to be 420 but not caring what I do is key.


Well-Known Member
I hope Priscilla420 doesnt mind me stealing her idea for a thread, lol. but after naming off the things i dont like about guys, i figured, we could talk about the things we like in our preferred sex! :D

things that are turn ons for me:

confidence, but not arrogance.
someone who is intelligent
understanding, non-judgemental, kind, sweet.
good sense of humour
likes maryjane as much as i do
tattoos and/or piercings.
dominant and a little aggressive (just not with me. i'd whoop their ass)
i love alpha males. i like men who are strong and protective. basically, im turned on my dudes that are stronger than me. because i dont meet many that are. :lol:

im also aware that a man with all of those qualities does not *actually* thats why i chose them.
well sara first off all great idea...second of al my boyfriend is like ur perfect ur so hot with ur lil guns that i would not mind power