BioBizz anyone ?


Well-Known Member
I'm using the bio grow and bloom. From experience how many days before harvest should I be stopping these organics?
I'm also using Super Vit which is a Hesi product and I'm guessing it replaces the Bio heaven. Correct me if i'm wrong..


Well-Known Member
5 days to a week would be ok i use some biobizz myself .
Some people do not even flush because its organic ,
I dont think its 100% organic thou


Well-Known Member
Well , every time I open the Grow bottle I get disgusted by the smell so I'm up for flushing.
Thanks ! I'll try flushing 10 days before for some, 5 days for some others, and try flushing last 2 days for one plant. Better see for myself I guess.


Well-Known Member
hahahah ya i use bio grow and bloom for my organics and acutlly finished the last 4 weeks of my hydro flood and drain and all my buds turned purp when i started using it. and ya the bio grow is grossssss god that shit smells like shit. i flushed for a week and i dont think it was enough then i flushed 2 other plants for 2 weeks nad the smoke is superb man, the strain is aurora b from flying dutchman seed bank i highly recommend it.




Well-Known Member
i use biobizz bloom and have stopped using it last week of flowering and flushed once about 2 days ago and plan to harvest in 5 days time after soil is dry


Well-Known Member
Ive got it hear in my Room, grow ,bloom and boost . If it was true 100% organic we wont have to flush like we do... i dont believe


Well-Known Member
It's like those 100% fruit juice . Or wait, are they saying 100% Top quality. They sure have confidence.

Organic or not it still stinks so flush flush.


Well-Known Member
I agree. 100 % Organic. I spoke with the "owner" of biobizz at the Cannibus Cup. I bought the whole speal. He said they have the only soil that can be imported to Israel because of some special process they put the product through.I think he said it was kosher. I was hella high though. The stuff works I use the grow and top max and root juice. Omri listed says something...


Well-Known Member
I use it too, 100% organic. The reason you still flush is organic or not the nutes are still stored in the plant until needed, when flushed the soil has no nutritional value so the plant uses up its nute reserves, making the smoke much more smooth and tasty.


Well-Known Member
I actually just got done feeding my plants a organic tea consisting of: BioBizz, GreenFuse, Bat Guano, Plant Tone, Cow Manure, Alfalfa, Humus, Molasses, Epsom Salt, and Super Thrive. Some stinky shit... NPK about 18-7-8 (for veg...of coarse)