Biodynamics - Gardening by the moon.


Well-Known Member
Tent caterpillar hatches correspond to the changing solar radiation levels caused by the varying Earths distance to the sun throughout it's astrological cycle. At the aphelion when the Earth is farthest from the sun the caterpillar populations explode and very little webbing is present - at the opposite end of the spectrum there is a large amount of webbing (protection from UV) and populations decline.

These changes in caterpillar populations effect bird populations which effect tree germination the long term it can impact fire rates, localized flooding... Tiny connections have a huge impact outdoors on local pest levels, precipitation levels and the like and some of these are functions of our position in space. Indoors though you really don't need to worry about it. Same goes for outdoors with modern irrigation, pest management, and nutrients.


Thanks for the responces guys. Just for shits and grins i will sow my seeds under the sign of Cancer in April. Cant possibly hurt.

Jack Larson

Active Member
We've all met the guy who lives up the street who is always full of shit. Just becasue he says something once in a while that you know is true, doesn't mean he is any less full of shit. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. That's Biodynamics.