
Karl Wills


I'm so danged pisssed....the fucking birds ate the leaves off of my plants...They were doing so nice...growing outdoors...I have a fence up but you just can't keep those little peckers out. It happened to me last year also and I was like well the heck with I'll just see what happens and you know what...the plants came back. This year, however, I don't know if I'm going to be so fortunate. I can't stand guard 24/7..what do you all suggest?


BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I haven't had birds go after my cannabis but I had some birds building a nest in a hanging plant by the front door. The wife is scared shitless of birds so I hung some foil reflective tape around the plant like I've seen done in fruit orchards. The tape shines in the light and its supposed to scare the birds. It worked for that purpose. The birds left. I got the tape on amazon for less than $10.

They also sell bird netting at most hardware stores. I use the netting to keep swallows from nesting in my carport.

Karl Wills

I want to thank you both for two excellent ideas. I will try them you think my plants will come back? I'm so bummed.....

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I want to thank you both for two excellent ideas. I will try them you think my plants will come back? I'm so bummed.....
I can't really say for sure if they will come back or not but I've seen this plant pull out of near death many times. Maybe if we could see a picture?