bit of confusion about my plant and males vs hermies


Well-Known Member
I always believed my plant would grow up to be a beautiful "Mary" to get me blazzeed :eyesmoke: but after a bit of 12/12 "she's" grown those green pollen sacks and is more resembling a "Mark" , i cut off most of them just now but I'm wondering, What're the chances its a hermie? How could I determine this over male? This is my first plant, I've got another in the growbox with it but it's been 12/12 from seed and is half the age of this one. So if it is a hermie over male, would you grow it?


bud bootlegger
a hermie will have both sets of sex showing, meaning the white hairs, the beginning of female flowers, and balls, the male parts.. the balls look like a small bunch of bananas as they get bigger, or start out as a small lil round ball looking thing.. males and females can be a lil hard to tell at first, but with a female, the white hairs will grow out of what once looked like a small ball.. dudes don't get hairs and develop into a much more ball looking thing that you won't mistake as balls..
i wouldn't keep growing a hermie, i would pull it and start over again.. but make sure of the sex before you take that action..


Well-Known Member
Pics? Do you see any hairs or just pollen sacs?
From what you say it sounds like a male not a hermie


Well-Known Member
a hermie will have both sets of sex showing, meaning the white hairs, the beginning of female flowers, and balls, the male parts.. the balls look like a small bunch of bananas as they get bigger, or start out as a small lil round ball looking thing.. males and females can be a lil hard to tell at first, but with a female, the white hairs will grow out of what once looked like a small ball.. dudes don't get hairs and develop into a much more ball looking thing that you won't mistake as balls..
i wouldn't keep growing a hermie, i would pull it and start over again.. but make sure of the sex before you take that action..
kinda wish id read this before cutting them off..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm sure there will be more tomorrow. thats one thing thats amazed me about growing bud, how quickly it can actually grow sometimes. I'll try to get a pic up soon. Possibly tomorrow. Can't get into the stealth box with people around ehh..
good move. Pollen is not something to mess around with. just a little bit and you've got seeds and wasted time. From my experience, if it goes hermie, get it out of the room immediately.