Bit of info about Pre-Paid Credit cards

Capt. Chronic

Active Member
Here are some comments I came across concerning pre-paid credit cards when I read an article about campaign donations to Obama using these cards and the fact that they cannot be "traced"

"This a non-issue. As a veteran of the credit card industry (10 years) this is a non-issue. I have seen millions of transactions were people have donated to Obama. Within the credit card structure itself there is a way to trace pre-paid credit cards. You have to pay to get the information but it is there. Due to the Patriot Act (thanks Bush) anything that has to do with money can be,will be and is traced. When a prepaid card is purchased, the money is uploaded on the card. From that point the card issuer (mastercard,visa,american express) knows where the card was located,sold and what time. From that point if fraudulent activity occurs they go to that merchant and take his receipts,video surveillance,clerk who rung it up and go after the individual. All financial crimes are under the Patriot Act and best believe everything is turned over the the FBI in your area. So this is an none issue because this situation is covered under the Patriot Act to many stop gap measures. Read the Patriot Act. Posted 12:31 PM on 10/29/2008

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Actually having grown up with my best friend's father being an FBI agent, and one of my adult friends being a Secret Service agent, I have known that these arms of the government were able to track credit card transactions long before the Patriot Act. If you are committing a crime of any sort, the last thing one wants to do is use any form of "plastic". As you state, where sold, video surveillance, any information pertaining to that transaction is easily found, traceable, pinpointed.

Unfortunately, what isn't said in this article is that Obama's support comes from the "little people" - those that are low/middle income, perhaps do not have a credit card account due to cancellation/poor credit and therefore have to use one of the methods available - prepaid credit cards to make payments, move money (The predatory effect is a nice little fee being charged for the transaction on people not having "normal" means).

This is a non-issue. I guess since ACORN didn't have the desired effect, its time to try the next possible vein to cause more doubt and suspicion on Obama from the people who are kicking and screaming to maintain their power."



Well-Known Member
Well good info on the prepaid card things but who gives a shit about Obamas campaign funds, the election is over he's our president for better or worse.


Active Member
talked to an fbi agent the other day that came to campus to talk about child predators using the internet (wtf!!hah) and i asked her about text messaging. the 5.0 can look into text messages from previous years- as they are all passed through a data base. this means the cops have undeletable evidence....that is if you have anything incriminating on your phone.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
they can track you through your phone even when the damn thing is off. They have satelites that can read heat signatures and zoom down close enough to read license plates. A couple more decades and the terminators will be serving search warrants under the patriot act.


Active Member
If i use a pre paid credit card online to get seeds, is it more likely to get my seeds taken by customs.