Bitch Slap your plants

mushroom man

Active Member
well that is lst if u think about it just in another way ,i am always bending and tieing down tuckin leafs and it does help alot but to be puttin true harm to yr plant cant be good imo,well then cliping yr putting physical harm to yr plant and seems to help dont u say lol. so i geuss u will never truely know if things other ppl do that may sound wierd or crazy to u just mite work


Well-Known Member
a nail in the stem wont help your plant in the least bit. the 2 days of dark before harvest, doesn't really give you more THC. flushing your plants 2 weeks before harvest is also just a myth. think about the science behind all these little things you hear.


Active Member
I don't know about any special tricks, but I'd make an educated guess that gradually increasing wind speeds or air flow would do the best job of making them super strong.


Well-Known Member
I take a drive and stick my baby out the window for a few miles, she loves it and we always get praised for some reason. Im probably gonna take her for a nice long drive when she starts nugging.
Having a plant is legal for me, so I guess you can call it excess wind to strengthen the stems.


Well-Known Member
Wow never thought of that.....But I did have a gf that fingered her pussy and rubbed her juices on a Jack Herer during flowering, called it Jack N Jill (her name wasn't Jill)...smoked nice with a small sint of pussy. Damn she could grow!


Well-Known Member
i know for chili peppers you can (pro growers do this) put a "book" of matches a few inches under the roots and this gives em a good growth spurt and makes em stronger. Should work with MJ. havent tried it yet...


Active Member
Marlboro47, that's funny, sticking her head out the window. She probably has her tongue hanging out and everything like a good ole happy bitch dog. ha ha ha. The little kid in the minivan beside you is probably, saying something like mommy why does that man have his tomato plant hanging out the window.


Active Member
not sure if it has been mentioned but i have heard and seem some scientific explanations for it but ppl putting an over rip apple or a banana peal at the base of plants near the end of flowering to induce ripening and resin production. apparent its in the one bad apple spoils the bushel idea, as the fruit begins to ripen or decompose (over ripen) if gives off a gas with some hormone that triggers other plants that the time is nigh.


Active Member
Yea, blowing on them is a good idea because you expel CO2 which the plants can use. This is why spending time with your girls is such a great idea, that and it really is fun to watch the grass grow.