Black Berry Kush Hydro 2000w Full Spectrum Flower


Well-Known Member
Come on lets see a few comments in here and I'll post some more bud porn. No posts no pictures people. Let me tell you they're starting to get big. Just from last night when I took these and the lights came on to this morning when i got up to turn them off and spray some bug spray they were more than noticeably bigger.


Well-Known Member
Hey, your grow is looking great Rev!! So, the pots with the that dwc or drip??<---I dont see any return lines so it must be dwc?? Is that your first grow with that BBKush?; I dont remember hearing that name even, how is it??
How does that photo bucket deal work?? Free....but secure??<---haven't heard...

Hope your having a great weekend!!



Well-Known Member
OK first off, first BB Kush grow. Got it from a med friend it's still pretty much a club exclusive right now. Seems to be a really strong strain, with no topping what so ever these plants all have more branches than anything I've ever grown. I'm excited. :) Here's a review:

All the hydros are DWC except one. You can see the tan bucket on the left in the second picture. That's a GH Hydro Farm drip fed system. We've also got a drip fed GH Euro grower (Uses coco and hydroton mixed, 8 buckets, sits on a 40 gal res) waiting for clones to root.

I like photobucket, but you have to be a payed subscriber to upload at full resolution so I think I'm going to look for a better host at least for a few shots of bud porn, photobucket just keeps it all nice and organized.


Active Member
Lookin' good man. Subscribed. I'll be checkin' back! Nice looking plants there. I'm interested in how it smokes after.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by man. I'll be keeping up on yours too. I like having someone with a good caliber set up to compare to. Just to see how my growth rate is compared to someone else and to see if I think I'm getting the most out of my plants. Any advice is much appreciated too.


Well-Known Member
Hey, how do you have you r lights positioned? Meaning I'm assuming you're using both throughout?


Well-Known Member
I thought of using both throughout but got turned around on the positioning, like where to put which plant under which light, ya know?


Well-Known Member
well one of my bulbs actually fires sudium and halide all inside the same enclosure, it actually have both kind of fixtures built right inside the bulb. The other one is just a halide but it's the nice one from hortilux that puts out 2 to 3 x as much blue as the normal halide bulbs. I have them hanging next to each other as if they were the same kind of light and just tend to move my babies around every once in a while. By the end I plan on moving one more 1000w hps with both spectrum's firing inside of it. Once that happens I'll have the 2 sodium on the out side slanted slightly so they point light towards the sides and tops from either side and I'll put the halide directly in the middle to push light straight down and help support the other 2 lights.


Well-Known Member
So this is what your talking about huh! Looks a little more ghetto then the last in terms of the room but more sophisticated with the upgrade to DWC. Looking great is I say so myself.

I liked the webbed leaves for the duck foot. Got me a strain of that that I&#699;m vegging right now. Looks promising.

Will keep an eye on this thread.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the room itself sucks, but the amount of space is awesome, and one whole wall is panda film. We had to segregate it for veg and flower and there's no pics of the veg side here. Probably wont be either. Oh and there's access to the attic right above this for when we need to add another hood and vent them.


Well-Known Member
what mothers you got? You gonna start cloning and pulling harvest every 2 weeks kind of thing?

Try to get a full room shot. I wanna see the full size. Only got the bud porn. Looks better then what you were in before especially ventilation wise. you got C02?


Well-Known Member
no CO2 yet, yeah working towards a harvest cycle. Probably gonna be every month and then slowly work towards week to two week crop cycles. I'll take some more shots tonight or tomorrow when the bud porn is a little better too.


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm not seeing any pics either? WTF just this thread your talking like they are posted but nothing am I just crazy or something bro?


Well-Known Member
Link in first post to a photobucket album. That's how I'll be posting most pics. Once I get some really good close ups of some fat tops, I'll have those at full resolution actually showing on the pages though.


Well-Known Member
Will post a new album tonight. Took a few in between but every day uploading pics you don't see enough difference to be entertained.


Well-Known Member
Hey Revolution thanks for stopping by my thread, thought id have a quick look at yours......

Im a hydro grower but i dont really know much about DWC, except that if a pump fails the plant can die within hours, so have spares around......

Also i dunno if im supposed to post links on here but go to for picture hosting. It free and pretty easy pretty fast upload and the pics dont get banned like photobucket pics do.....maybe you should give it a pics from 6 months ago are still fine.....however when youve got say 50 pics on there i create a new account because it seems to go slower, but this is 5 mins work and then youve got pics whenever you want....

As for your plants they look very healthy and you seem to be doing fine......but if you have any q's then ask an ill help if i can....

If you have any q's about nutes, ph, mixing nutes etc im pretty knowledgable as im very scientific lol

Anyways keep up the good work ill be keeping an eye on this journal an keep posted on mine, tc bro :weed::weed::weed::weed: