BlackBerry BlueBerry Northern Lights #5 Medical Grow


Well-Known Member
I can't imagine how that wouldn't be enough air movement for one 1000w HID. I cant' tell from your pictures for sure - you're pulling the exhaust air from the top of the grow area, right? (It's hottest there.)

Whether that would be enough exhaust flow for 2, 3, or 4 lights depends on your set-up. I would think it would be enough but I'm hesitant to say that it definitely would be. Just keep an eye on temps when you add lights, it should be fine.

bizarre kush

Active Member
well the exhaust is coming in a basement and its coming in from close to the ground outside and being blowen in near the floor then the exhaust would take air from near the roof and i want to add a couple of fans to try to circulate the air if all else fails i think i would have to get a couple more fans for exhaust and intake
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Well-Known Member
lots of Canadians live in the US and vice versa.

Plants look great, nice little nursery you've got there. Looking forward to watching them grow up!


Well-Known Member
yeah I agree I got a question lol it says you are from usa but in your username it says canadian lol
I was born and raised in the Great White North, but I'm currently residing in Michigan. Both of my parents are American, but they never got citizenship while they lived in Canada ... so I have the (un?)fortunate status of a dual citizen.

I want to go back to Canada eventually, out west where the oil sands are rich and so is everyone else. Until then, I'll struggle to find a job in Michigan's drowning economy. -_-

bizarre kush

Active Member
oh sounds kool good luck with your job

Heres an update July 5th and the last pic is of a blackberry one that i flowered in the closet dose that look like a flower ?


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bizarre kush

Active Member
Here it is is it?
Kinda looks female but it allso looks like it has some things that kinda look like balls I think I am going to try to keep it as long as I can before It starts to smell because I havent gotten a air filter yet when should it start to smell I have had it on 12/12 light and the bud just started showing up yesterday just a rough estimate as from people that usually grow right now all my plants that are in veg smell more than this flowering one lol


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Well-Known Member
Hey , please try to get some well it shots from the side close up focusing on the nodes close to the stem.

The shots you posted does not allow us to see what we need to to determine the sex or {hopefully not" sexes .

Edit - one way or the other, keep that one closest to the door so you can look at it each time you visit. It has some suspect growth from what I can see.


Well-Known Member
i'm no pro but the smell should kick in when the buds get fatter, say about 4-6 weeks from 12/12. Although it really depends on the strain.

And yea it does look hermie but dont kill it watch her everyday if you see the balls open with white hair you're good. if they just get bigger , not good.

bizarre kush

Active Member
I wasnt going to kill it anyways not just yet anyways its in my bedroom so It wont pollinate anything else but its self lol and nothing is comin out of the lower nodes yet just those little tings that are there in vegitation

bizarre kush

Active Member
update July 20th
Sorry havent been updating for a while ive been way too busy but I fially got a 1000w mh/hps ballast and 2 bulbs the mh is a super here are some pics of my root bound plants before transplant my homemade shade hardware that saved me $130 on my lamp shade then my plants the pics are done with hps because I thought that the mh didnt work at first because it wasnt screwed in all the way lets just say I plugged it in it worked unpluged it pluged into my timer and then stopped working so i switched to hps then I took the bulb back and it was fine so I think I didnt screw it in far enough oh well at least it works now anyone know how high I should keep the light away right now its about 1 foot



Well-Known Member
ey dude, looking fine there. YOu should use the MH during the veg, and the HPS for the flowering.
from experience the light you want to get it from 12 to 24 inches but it all depends on the temp and air circulation. 1 foot sounds pretty close , i had mine at about 1 ft as well but i was using a 400W. keep a fan blowing, if you see the edges of the leaves curv up, the light may be too close.
you might want to put something to reflect the light on the side of the plants too

Looking good though ;)

bizarre kush

Active Member
I think putting reflective stuff arround it would trap more heat and the guy at a grow shop told me that they are a scam becasue they dont do close to compare with a reflector I think I got enough light with a 1000w and like I said I only used hps in the photo its on mh now i dont got a fan in there yet soon thanx ill raise up the light a half foot I am starting to get worried about height problems now in the future how much do they usually grow I heard that they doubble in size once you start budding do they allways ? because if so I need to know calculate how high they can get and flower them a little lower than half or do it like en extra foot before just incase or let sit a little longer because I got a plant limit not size so I wanna grow monsters in my house or should i just let them grow like crazy and if they get too tall tie them over ? or should I start tieing them over
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