BlackJack Grow 1st time grower


Active Member
thanks doe i had really been wondering when and how does this white bud turn green,and i kinda found out for myself as i picked a branch and its drying and it turned green.Yesterday at lights out time i put my hand on top of the canopy and felt for heat and thought i could lower the light say 3".This morining when i woke up and checked on them after about 4 hours of lights on with the new lowered height OMG did i see a positive change.I could visually see on the top colas all the new growth for that 4 hours.there were new much whiter hair clumps on the outside walls of the bud,I had never seen new growth like that before.I remembered unity or snew saying they should of had there light closer to the buds,so i was like ya let me get it as close as i can without burning and man did it make a difference,cant wait to see what they look like in 6 hours when lights go out.Also 2 of the 3 girls that really didnt have any orange hairs on the top colas now have enough to see them.So only 1 now doesnt really have any on the top few inches but does below that.Can't wait to sample the little branch (1 joint) I harvested.This will give me practice on harvesting,it's trimmed and drying,smells like hay after 2 days.I dont know if picking this branch so early will give me a decent smell when cured,but im doing this more as practice of trimming,drying,curing then i want to smoke it.If i can get this little bud to dry correctly and cure correctly and it smells like weed after,i'll be happy and more confident that i wont be screwing up a half pound


Well-Known Member
thanks doe i had really been wondering when and how does this white bud turn green,and i kinda found out for myself as i picked a branch and its drying and it turned green.Yesterday at lights out time i put my hand on top of the canopy and felt for heat and thought i could lower the light say 3".This morining when i woke up and checked on them after about 4 hours of lights on with the new lowered height OMG did i see a positive change.I could visually see on the top colas all the new growth for that 4 hours.there were new much whiter hair clumps on the outside walls of the bud,I had never seen new growth like that before.I remembered unity or snew saying they should of had there light closer to the buds,so i was like ya let me get it as close as i can without burning and man did it make a difference,cant wait to see what they look like in 6 hours when lights go out.Also 2 of the 3 girls that really didnt have any orange hairs on the top colas now have enough to see them.So only 1 now doesnt really have any on the top few inches but does below that.Can't wait to sample the little branch (1 joint) I harvested.This will give me practice on harvesting,it's trimmed and drying,smells like hay after 2 days.I dont know if picking this branch so early will give me a decent smell when cured,but im doing this more as practice of trimming,drying,curing then i want to smoke it.If i can get this little bud to dry correctly and cure correctly and it smells like weed after,i'll be happy and more confident that i wont be screwing up a half pound
I hear ya. One thing to keep in mind though, if you harvest too early (like the small branch) it's possible you won't get the good smell, even with proper curing. So if it doesn't happen, don't feel like it's you - it'll be because it was plucked too soon.


Active Member
I defiantly wont be harvesting too soon,i want the killer bag smell.I just wanted to give it a trial run,i ruined 100 dollars worth of seeds caus i had no exp with germinating them when i should of practiced on bag seed before trying high priced seeds.So I just want to do the process one time before the real deal.I do understand that by picking that small branch early that i might not get the good smell or high,it wasn't done to get me high but as practice. I lowered the light even more about another inch,i was suprised I had it 4 inches too high,seemed to make an instant difference with new top growth as soon as im lowered it.(keeping an eye out for too close and burning)Does it matter where the leaf comes from that i look at under 30x magnifying???Or just any leaf that has the crystals on it?I looked at a random leaf the other day and it was clear trics.
Tomorrow will be the start of week 9.I am going to do 1 more nute water ,then nothing but water after that.Do i have to run gallons of water thru these pots,or just stop giving them nute water for like 10 days before harvest???


Active Member
these tops are swelling nicely,a bunch of them i cant get my thumb and middle finger around.And some are just getting wider and wider.
Thanks for the compliments guys it means alot,i have nobody in my life I let know about this but you guys!
so i appreciate you letting me know how im doing,caus i dont get any feedback from anyone i know much less anyone i know with experience.
I give alot of credit for this grow to fox farm nutes and ocean forest soil,if you just feed and water correctly thats pretty much all you have to do.I didnt even look at my ph levels till week 2 of flowering.I really think im going to get 8 oz out of these 5 girls,but hey im new to this what do i know,it just seems possible to me.Exp will give me a better evaluation on harvest weights.I'm using 400 wats of light,so 400 grams would be an outstanding harvest,im hoping for at least 50 grams per girl so 250 dry grams/8.9 oz.
These top colas are starting to look like police batons.Some girls have bud 12" down the main stalk before you see stem.And I do belive the lower supplemental lighting is helping caus there is a ton of new leaf growth at the bottoms so that must also mean more lower buds.Don't think the home made co2 generator is really doing anything.The humidifier is doing nothing,and for anyone who cares my lights on temps are between 79-84 degrees with RH between 10-22%PH levels for watering is 6.4


Well-Known Member
I defiantly wont be harvesting too soon,i want the killer bag smell.I just wanted to give it a trial run,i ruined 100 dollars worth of seeds caus i had no exp with germinating them when i should of practiced on bag seed before trying high priced seeds.So I just want to do the process one time before the real deal.I do understand that by picking that small branch early that i might not get the good smell or high,it wasn't done to get me high but as practice. I lowered the light even more about another inch,i was suprised I had it 4 inches too high,seemed to make an instant difference with new top growth as soon as im lowered it.(keeping an eye out for too close and burning)Does it matter where the leaf comes from that i look at under 30x magnifying???Or just any leaf that has the crystals on it?I looked at a random leaf the other day and it was clear trics.
Tomorrow will be the start of week 9.I am going to do 1 more nute water ,then nothing but water after that.Do i have to run gallons of water thru these pots,or just stop giving them nute water for like 10 days before harvest???
You don't have to flush at all. But if you're gonna do it, then go ahead and take them in to the bathroom and flush them properly, 2:1 water to soil ratio. Just water after that.

For your trichs - take a few samples from different areas, different plants even. Most mature from the top down (which allows us to harvest only the main cola/s and finish flowering the rest), but there are some that mature from the bottom up.


Well-Known Member
Nice goings Grow2 :)
I'm glad things are comming together for you :clap: They sure look tasty:weed:



Well-Known Member
looking nice man.. cant wait to see the harvest pics!! Blueberry is my favorite strain.. but Black Jack is right up there with it.. it somethin I've been wanting to grow for a while.. some of your pics loopks almost identical to the pics that Nirvana has up on their site... i LOVE when that happens.. I'm hopin my White Widow comes out lookin like the pics that Nirvana has. lol. Keep up posted man!! I'll be checkin for the harvest pics.. those are always the best pics!!


Active Member
Just read about 10-15 pages of your journal, looks like you have learned a lot so far. I hope to see more grows from you and hope you surpass your 9oz goal! Im subscribed


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wow alot has happened in the last 2 days,We got a winter hurricane here in New England,and lost power for 2 days.I lost 5 hours total of lights on time as i got my generator out and had it on for about 7 hours before the fire department shut me down..The power is back on,the girls look fine,I even see some orange hairs on those last 2 pesky plants that the top colas weren't getting any.Came home this morning from staying out at a friends house with power last night and my room with the tent in it was starting to reak!Glad i could get everything back running smoothly.Today is day 59 and everything looks great!
Doe when you said I dont even have to flush does that mean when growing in soil,you dont HAVE to take them to the bathroom and run gallons of water thru each pot,all i have to do is stop using nute water for the last 10-14 days or so???I thought i HAD to flush in order to get all the unused nutes out of the soil or I would have a nasty taste.Maybe just by not giving them nute water for the last 10-14 days also gets rid of all unused nutes,all I know is i really really want to do this right and get the killer taste and smell.


Active Member
day 59 pics,some real nice ones,i took 2 of the girls out of the tent and took some pics not under the light.Last nute water today,from here on out straight water.I can tell you one thing,the pics show more orange hairs and definition then I can see by eye thats for sure

and yes jmoy4,i have learned a ton,i knew nothing before this grow,i did a ton of reading,and followed directions.I have overcome a stealth apartment grow,high heat,low humidity,10 ungerminated seeds caus i had no idea what i was doing.I had to cut off the bottoms of the flowering pots and add more soil and another pot underneath the first caus the roots were already growing out the bottom at week 1 of flowering.And i just had a 2 day power outtage.

oh i counted what i consider to be how many tops i have,and i have 21. 2 of the girls have 7each,and the other 3 have a total of 7
pic 10 is a bud i have named the leaning tower of buddah,as this one bud has grown like its counter part in Italy.



Active Member
today i smoked that little bud i dried and cured.It was picked way early as practice for me,the smell after curing was not great,very slight hay smell,it looked great,and it tasted way better then the regs i buy.It burned smooth in a joint.
Like Doe said,picking it early might not give me the good smell and taste.Just a practice run for my first harvest.


Active Member
so today one of the girls has alot of faded yellow leaves on her,no change in the other ones.Top buds are still swelling by the day,wonder how fat these are gonna get.Guess i got about 2 1/2 weeks to go,im at 9 1/2 now so somewhere between 11-12



Active Member
those look delicious. first time grower, too? i'll be watching your future grows for sure. are you planning on harvesting according to trichome color? i think thats the way to go, especially from seed, as they will all have a couple days (sometimes weeks...) difference in time to maturity.
what percentage of amber trics am i looking for?
and they go from clear to cloudy to amber correct?


Active Member
i like to pull em when i see the first amber ones on the top buds. thats usually about as long as i can wait...and i gotta say again - great job, they are looking super danky. dont worry about the yellowing leaves if you only have a couple of weeks left, i think adding more N is just wasting nutes at this point.


Active Member
Day 61 today,ya i got 14 days left,so im not worrying about some yellowing leaves,the buds look great.I am going to harvest march 14 at day 75 (I need to do the harvest on a sunday).Unity went 67 days and his were 7 days more mature then mine at his 50 day mark.
From here on its straight water no more nutes.Is this enough to get rid of any unused nutes in the soil so i dont get that crappy smell/taste????Or do I need to flush them.Doe said I don't have to flush them but she didnt say if just straight water for 10-16 days is fine and will get rid of any potential nutes.Let me know guys.


Active Member
if youre in soil, just give em clean water at about pH 7. i like to add a little humic acid in the last couple of weeks, supposedly it helps removing nutes that arent still locked into the soil.


Well-Known Member
Very nice grow2 :) You are on the home stretch bro :weed:
If your phenom is anything like mine (and it is :) ) you will be very pleased. I'm getting great feedback :)
