Blue Cheese, Afghan Kush, Diesel Grow


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3011471]well most say it will create heat spots, but there just CFLs, no white trash bags?, paint the inside white[/QUOTE]
so i can just white thrash bags to cover the walls??? cuz i got plenty of those


Well-Known Member
Yea man that should work, i used that in my cab, for my door, i have this sheet that hung down to black extra light, and i taped a white trash bag to it, just open them, or unfold em, dont open the bag itself, and just put em on the walls some how, that should do the tricc if you dont got anything else


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3013301]Yea man that should work, i used that in my cab, for my door, i have this sheet that hung down to black extra light, and i taped a white trash bag to it, just open them, or unfold em, dont open the bag itself, and just put em on the walls some how, that should do the tricc if you dont got anything else[/QUOTE]
i see how i can do it it wont be hard to put those up but what does it do i still dont get the point??


Well-Known Member
well its white and it will reflect the light better, what why people put up mylar,kinda like tin foil but its for growing, or they paint they grow rooms white, with that blue color, you losing all your light, nothing being reflected bac to the plants to grow, so there stretching for the lights


Well-Known Member
hey man just see your title and had to read up.
sorry to hear about the diesel.
I just this minute ordered barneys farm red diesel and big Buddha blue cheese.


Well-Known Member
my plants are looking a bit better im exercising them so they can get thicker stems so they can be firm again and it seems to be working their looking really healthy now so im happy and as soon as i come down from these shrooms ima post some pics of them


Active Member
lol nice take a pic of the boomers too, I was just going to say watch your humidity levels once you add the white plastic bags, make sure you got some good ventilation as well..


Well-Known Member
Get sum mylar for reflection.25.00 a roll..or get sum black and white panda film and use the white side,or go to home depot and get a roll of that shiny insulation or flat white paint.


Well-Known Member
ok things are starting to shape up again my plants are on a fast way to recovery after a little ph burn not too crucial and their root systems looks really good and their starting to firm up again and they also have a nice smell but the afghan kush is what surprises me cuz it has not given me any trouble at all like it works with u instead of against u its just happy its not in da desert in a 100 degree weather lol:lol::lol:



Well-Known Member
this time im not gonna top them just cuz i want to see how different it looks and see if it gives more bud by just letting it grow naturally without topping its more of a thing i wanted to see and im not worried about the size cuz its plenty of space for them to go up with


Well-Known Member
ok i have a question
well since everyone knows the AG tank only holds one gallon of water so here is my question
what if i made a 5 gallon or a 10 gallon tank for the AG..would that make a difference on how much bud i can get?


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3045456]the more room for the roots to grow the more the plant will grow, should work[/QUOTE]
will do dat then since im not really concerned on height and im not using the AG pump at all since i already got one running im gonna buy a tub or something that holds 5-10 gallons of water so i can get a slighty better yield then what the on gallon tank can offer


Well-Known Member
Sounds great man, the AG is good for learning, but its always better to make your own system once you get some experience growings, then use the AG for clones


Well-Known Member
could i just mount the top of part of the ag where the plants are sitting could i just get a tub and put it on top of of it and put air stones and let it grow??


Well-Known Member
yea just cut it out so it fits the AG base, only if you can't remove each plant separately, then you would just have to cut out holes to fit the plastic AG nets


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3050040]yea just cut it out so it fits the AG base, only if you can't remove each plant separately, then you would just have to cut out holes to fit the plastic AG nets[/QUOTE]
ok dats what i was thinking and no one commented on my artwork its like a replica of my grow room lol:lol:bongsmilie:eyesmoke: