blue cheese is on da go need help with apprx yield


hi fellas.. this is my first time here. i got 9 bb blue cheese in hydro but this aint my first time growing i been growing for 2 years now and still making many mistakes. i was wondering if i veg me plants for 3 to 4 weeks (already 14 days old) how much can i yield and i know it depends on a lot of things. my last plants were autos and i got flipping massive monster which was 325 grams wet n dry was about 230 and then there was 8 more of em. i know bb bc has about 9 weeks flower the last plants only got 3 - 4 weeks of flower.

im using: 200 cfl for first 1 week of seedling days then 400 watts hps cool tube with extractor all the way thru.
dwc is about 50 litres im using gh nutes without the grow 4mil micro 2 mil bloom
got one big fan for the plants and a pc case fan for intake allthough i know i dont need it.

my temps are between 21c and 25c and the light is about 12 15 inches away.

All this is in a draw that is a mere 5 FOOT BY 3 FOOT BY 8 FOOT HIGH. any thoughts
any thougths on yield


need quick answer the the height before flowering do they stretch a lot aswell coz i heard some mixed opinions on this strain


Active Member
No one can tell you what you will yield, several factors come into play ~ you'll just have to wait and see.


Active Member
so you got like 8 ounces from an auto under a 400w hps and there was another 8 in there aswell..............some how i dont beleive this, others might but i dont


Active Member
8oz from a auto is pretty standard them autos are well known for yielding huge amounts of bud lol
yeah i know, i was thinking he should have gotten about 15 ounces a plant, 8 ounces from an auto under a 400w hps is pretty poor if you ask me haha


I had 8 autos da last time they got huge fuking huge believe it or not I lst and pinched the stems n sides oh yeah btw I dropped a fan on dat monster auto when he was vegetating and it fucking grew big but it was one of those autos dat were very big from seedling like twice or three times da size of da other got over three hundred grams with 24 light cycle on da last three weeks lol the rest of the seven were between 200 and 240 grams . I'm shocked most of u guys never heard of this things happening. I'm no wizz grower . Oh yah thanx for da quick replies but if anyone know how much apprx I could yield in a scrog with supercropping


Dat zero was not a mistake u read it

Btw first four plants were one month older than da other four when the first four flowered I was sorta running outa space but managed with lst twisting trimming bending and fencing da lot just to keep my plants alive and flowering all I used was vita link at dat time but now started gh nutes m and b. They were massive and was scared I'm gonna end up with the same problem I had with the sativa (oiuta space) but I just about got a away with it but harvested way to early about a week coz da other four plants were now getting big so I cut the first four and left the space for the other four who were now starting to flower but out them one plant was well different all those years I grew but this plant was as big a a 8 inch cock when it was seedling a span of a pussy that was rammed by arnold shwartznegger a hundered times it was big for.a seedling it was growing like 2 inch a day in the end it was about 5 foot tall and this is an autoflower. It dwarfed da rest. Da smoke was very nice but I rather smoke blue cheese but one thing people will never know da difference between indica and ruderail coz when they're bagged or smoked u can't tell lol


Think I got sum pix somewhere must find em If I can. Btw I'm from a place where this stuff grows around and they don't get all that shit people give their plants and all. Was in afghanistan last year and saw n smoked the boomest stuff u can lay ur eyes on and this stuff never got a tlc like the plant people grow on this sitem it was way better than amseterdam stuff no offence da stuff wasn't even cured but it smoked strong anf I was mashed outa my head for ages n I been smoking for 15 years


Harvested first for autos coz space issue week earlier to give next set of four space one of those last four was incredible hulk and grw five foot over 300 grams got sum pizx sumwere


If u read da question

I'm only asking ciz I heard mixed answers on lst with bc sum don't take it nicely and some do. Its my first time growing this strain so dats all I'm saying I'm not an expert at growing and no where near. The blue cheese is about 1 week and four days old and they are about 4 inches tall with about 8 leaf sets .gonna get sum pix up soon when I get a proper camera


I did not dry it at first put it straight for a water cure for 3 days and then dried it for 7 days and it was smooth n strong. There was no magical dryer lol just some common sense . Most of the scond set of plants were dried in the dwc and cured in water jars .why is it that you tell people things you experienced first hand and then they turn round and slap it in ur face.I haven't joined here to justify every sentence I say.


Active Member
I did not dry it at first put it straight for a water cure for 3 days and then dried it for 7 days and it was smooth n strong. There was no magical dryer lol just some common sense . Most of the scond set of plants were dried in the dwc and cured in water jars .why is it that you tell people things you experienced first hand and then they turn round and slap it in ur face.I haven't joined here to justify every sentence I say.

the reason people dont believe you is because you say you grew 9 autos, all of them yeilded over 200 grams and this was under a 400w hps!! people may have believed you if it was 1 auto under a 1000w hps

even if these plants where not autos i would find it hard to beleive you could grow 9 plants and yeild over 200 grams per plant using a 400w hps

it just does not add up!!!!