Blue cheese,trainwreck E&F + multistrain organic grow..1200 watts, aircooled, w/ co2


Well-Known Member
Am I right in saying that you are only using one fan to exhaust four lights? If so, can you link me to one so I can check it out?

trichlone fiend

New Member
Am I right in saying that you are only using one fan to exhaust four lights? If so, can you link me to one so I can check it out? are correct. I have an 8inch vortex inline fan that sucks my dirty air through a scrubber, then through 4 lights.... I suck the air through my lights, btw. Most people blow the air through their lights....I have found that sucking the air keeps things cooler. Also something to consider, I run I don't want to bring in too much new air.


Well-Known Member are correct. I have an 8inch vortex inline fan that sucks my dirty air through a scrubber, then through 4 lights.... I suck the air through my lights, btw. Most people blow the air through their lights....I have found that sucking the air keeps things cooler. Also something to consider, I run I don't want to bring in too much new air.
You use an 8 " fan but the holes on the reflectors are only 6 "? or are they 8"?


Well-Known Member
Haha. I'm listening to my seedlings flood behind me as I type this. I love my pumps and timers. I went to hydro because it was in incredible, dirty amount of work to grow in soil or any medium at all, really. The disposal question is enormous.

well...I grew in 1 gallon grow bags in order to cram as many as possible under each light (grow bags work great as an alternative to square pots because you can shape the bags as you cram them, unlike round pots) ...the pain in the ass is watering them. I like to water, then come back 1/2 hour later and water again. This way the soil becomes moist throughout the whole pot evenly....and doing so, took hours each watering/'s just really time consuming, basically. Hydro, I just tap my res once all is set up....the timer/subpump does all my watering/feeding for me.


Well-Known Member
...correct again, the hoods are 6", they do sell 8" though.....I use a reducer on both sides of the inline fan.
I understand you need a reducer on the one side to connect to the 6" ducting, but why the other side? Why not vent 8"? Wouldn't it be more efficient that way?

trichlone fiend

New Member
I understand you need a reducer on the one side to connect to the 6" ducting, but why the other side? Why not vent 8"? Wouldn't it be more efficient that way?
...if I didn't use the reducer on both sides of the inline fan, I would have to buy 8" tube to exaust.
...I can see how that would be more efficient, yes. I'm not as focused on new air exchange while I'm growing with co2. As long as the humidity stays in check, that's all I need. However, if I was growing w/ fresh air only, I would want as much new air exchange as possible, and would consider not using the reducer on both sides.

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Well-Known Member
4 x 600 watt HPS aircooled w/ co2 burnerView attachment 1034334
Blue cheese , day 3 of flowering ebb'n flow(GH, Lucas formula) View attachment 1034340

Multistrain organic table, 38 days of flowering (FFOF, organic teas for soil/ferts)View attachment 1034339View attachment 1034337View attachment 1034332

Trainwreck, day 18 of flowering, ebb'n flow (GH Lucas formula) View attachment 1034321View attachment 1034338View attachment 1034316
Nice set-up you have going there cardinal. A few questions and comments if I may. How many degrees of bend do you suppose you have in your ducting? I am assuming you have an air conditioner in there and you also mention your humidity. What situations do you encounter that you mention humidity? CO2, does that burner affect your heat in the room and secondly how much and where did you get the burner? Your results are absolutely stunning. There are some real good growers on the six hundred but I've never seen such big buds. Most of the better results you see posted on the six, those guys use co2 also. Genuity has his room dialed in real nice like yours. Anywas I drift and I'm blaming the little bit of arjan's haze I have left, it's all is fault. Is everything you do from clones? Your scrog set-ups. are they indica dominant strains or does using one gallon grow bags control the height regardless of the strain? Your netting appears to be about a foot from 'soil' level, is that correct and do you as you said, go straight from clone into flower? I also notice you staggered your plants under your net in your scrog but speak of jamming as many as possible under one light in grow bags. Can you explain the workings behind those methods for me? I want to do a sativa scrog next summer but as soon as the weather cools here I want to start cloning and turning out as much indica dominant strains as possible with as much weight as possible without sacrificing quality. After much reading and looking at results of how different people do different things, I've settled on the one gallon grow bags for my clones when I start. I want to get a perpetual going for about six months until I start the sativa scrog. I should by then have enough of a stash to withstand a twenty week grow.

Beautiful work you do, something for us to aspire to do ourselves.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...thankx Heads up, I have all 90 degree bends.
...the only humidity issues I've encountered was during my attempt to have an airtight room with a hermetic seal. I had puddles in my room within 2 days. IMO, even airtight rooms need ventilated. burner came from Worm's Way. They have an online catalog, I had them to order it from their catalog. It burns propane into co2...they have the option for natural gas also....if you plan on getting a co2 burner, I'd get the expensive aircooled one. Mine isn't aircooled, which does make my a/c work harder. My temps range from 70-88f.
...yes, everything that goes into my flowering room are from clones....even in soil, and the grow bags. I'll link my other journal here for you to see many of my other grows, pics of a/c, co2 w/ monitor, exc....

Journal >>>

...those scrogs you'll see are only to hold the plants up (12"-18" strain dependant). They are mostly all indica dominate strains.
...I didn't intentionally stager the plants, I just kind'a lean them toward the light as best as possible. I try to keep them inline most of the time.
...during the soil sog, I did let them veg for 1 week, then into flower. that I'm in hydro, I'm kind'a leaning towards the "lower # of plants" side of things, I'm getting the same weight but MUCH bigger buds. As long as you fill your foot print, you should get about the same yield ...I've grown 16-40 plants under the same footprint with the near same outcome of yield.

trichlone fiend

New Member
Total Bluecheese:
Light #1 = 1,428 wet
Light #2 = 1,260 wet
...estimated dry weight 24 ounces. as you see, yield is strain dependant, forsure.

The Bluecheese hangs in front row.
bluecheese harvest(.c.jpg
bluecheese harvest(.d.jpgbluecheese harvest(.e.jpgbluecheese harvest.(b.jpgbluecheese harvest.jpgbluecheese harvest(.f.jpgbluecheese harvest.(a.jpg

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Well-Known Member
Well I just finished browsing through some of your other threads. I'm starting to feel like your twin. You have so much stuff that I have. I use those red party cups and write on them, I use grow bags, I shop at worm's way, use a dehumidifier, which I got from a place called air and water on the west coast. It works in five degree increments, I noticed someone asked you about yours in a different thread. I don't use a sulphur burner or any co2. Do you have problems with you plants feeling dry and leathery with humidity no higher than fifty percent? Also about the cloner. I just bought an eight dollar insurance policy for my self made cloner. I have a twelve site cloner made from a ten gallon tote. Today I bought a thirty gallon tote, the ten fits inside of it nicely. The double walls should stop any light from hitting the roots and any over run will drip into the thirty gallon tote. I also have two ports for my wires and air hoses to run through the top. I really like the idea of using teas, are there certain kinds of bat and sea bird guano you use? I know they all have different npk ratings, can you be more specific as to what you use? Thanks.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I use the Jamaican bat 1-10-0 and the Peruvian seabird 11-13-3, I also perfer the Alfa meal kelp as chopped leaves over the liquid seaweed. I would also suggest drop'n a heater in the water of your tea before you put your mix in....get it around 70f, then add your guano,kelp,molasses, exc...

...I no longer need to use the sulpher burner, I suspected that it effected taste of a past crop. I've been advised to only use it during veg to prevent powdery mildew....I decided to put it away all together unless PM becomes an issue.

...I keep my RH around 60% until the last 3 weeks of bloom, then I usually lower it to 50%. No unnormal leaf developements.
...I hear ya on the DIY cloner, I'll never buy one again. When I first started growing I was too paranoid to get online and ask/seek info to build my own, and I had no idea how it really worked, I cloned with rapid rooters under a humidity dome, on a seedling heating pad before, w/ only 60-70% success, now I get 100% every silly ass went and paid $245 for an 80 site ezcloner.....never again! problem bro, ask away, bored stoner here.

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Well-Known Member
Do you get your supplies from worm's way? Just out of curiosity, why do you use molasses? Most people use it for the wrong reason so I'm curious as to why you use it.

Another thing that caught my eye while browsing your posts, pay it forward. I'm a firm believer in paying it forward.

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Well-Known Member
Fiend, anyone who believes in paying it forward is OK in my book and right you are sir, for the microbes in the soil. Feed your soil, the plants will follow. Did you get your tea stuff from worm's way?

trichlone fiend

New Member
Yeap, yeap...worm's way. Pay cash, all is well with them. I've heard bad rumors, 5-0 and such...I just don't get personal w/ ' know...helpfull people in my book.

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Well-Known Member
OK, thanks again, I'll check them out later. I have a couple of their catalogs but I do all of my ordering online. The closest store to me is tampa and I don't like the three hour drive back and forth.

trichlone fiend

New Member
Tampa huh? I used to live in Pinellas Park, just between Clearwater/St. Pete.... lived there for 3 years on the run....hahahahahahaaha....those bastards caught me though, done my time, all is well... I think about the place all the time...good memories man. Do much fishing?

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Used to go to clearwater every fourth of july weekend when I was younger and married, great fireworks. No I'm not a fisherman, I'm a golfer, hacker really. My partner in stupid grew up in that area, nice place.


Active Member
Fiend, you have a wonderful garden! I am really considering doing some hydro, and you may have convinced me.

To be clear, is this all done organically with teas?

Keep up the the good work brudda!