blue cheese


Active Member
hello im growin blues cheese from seed for the first time and they are in week 6 of flower they are budding but the buds are not as big at this stage as the other plants i have growin and the tops of the plants anr normaly have big buds on now but these dont and i only normaly only flower for 8 weeks or does blue cheese need longer ?????? i hope this makes sence and any help would be great thanks :?:
Blue Cheese flowers for 8-10 wk. You could do a 10 week flower and use GHE Ripen Flowering forcing solution for the last 10-14 days, that should help. Pictures would be ideal though.



Active Member
thanks for ur help they have buds on but they only new and little so to do a ten week flower do i just reapet a couple of weeks in my feed chart ?
If you have an 8 week chart, do a week (7) with your normal nutes plus GHE Ripen, then a week of only bloom nutes, again, with Ripen. It also depends on what you're using the produce for. If, it's commercial (which I doubt) dry it and knock it out. If it's persie, it needs a flush with water, at least 4-5 days. Otherwise, it's gonna taste harsh & chemically. The Ripen doesn't need a flush, can't say the same for bloom nutes though unfortunately. As you say you have other plants in the same area I'm guessing you don't have a lighting issue. I have heard blue cheese isn't a big yeilder, but never grown it myself. What I do know is the last two weeks are critical for bud growth, hence why I use Ripen.

Good Luck