Blue Widow Mix. Need Some Help Please!

Hello all,

I've recently started growing again after 3 years of doing nothing with it (I'm really rusty with this). I made a Blue Widow (White Widow x Blueberry) mix with Skunk #1 and Northern Lights x Haze #19. I kept the seeds healthy over the years, and the plants seem to be doing really good for how old the seeds are.

The problem I'm having is trying to figure out when they should be harvested. I've done a lot of research and can barely find anything on these different strains now. So, I have no idea what time period I should be shooting for (I never planted these mixed seeds until now also).

Anyone have any experience growing these strains? Any idea what time period I should be looking at for flowering? I'm guessing it's a mostly indica dominate plant with a 55-65 day flowering period?

They've been flowering for about 3 weeks and just started getting their preflowers a few days ago. I'm growing them indoors and sorry if these are newbie questions. As I said it's been a really long time for me. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
I dunno, I hate it when people go by a length of time to base their harvest on. Sure, anywhere between 50 and 100 days is my suggestion. Just let your plant tell you when it's ready, radio shack has 60x-100x illuminated microscopes for under ten bucks. If you wanna grow weed, you should really invest in one and just let your trichomes tell you when it's ready.


Well-Known Member
what metasynth is saying is, while there is usually a harvest window of days u r working with, u cant go by how many days it has been in flower. ur harvest time should be based on multiple factors, such as the color of ur trichomes, which if u r growing indica should be harvested when most trichs are at least 50% amber upwards of 70% for real couch lock, (you'll need the microscope to see this) and u should notice a slow down in bud growth at that time as well.


Well-Known Member
what metasynth is saying is, while there is usually a harvest window of days u r working with, u cant go by how many days it has been in flower. ur harvest time should be based on multiple factors, such as the color of ur trichomes, which if u r growing indica should be harvested when most trichs are at least 50% amber upwards of 70% for real couch lock, (you'll need the microscope to see this) and u should notice a slow down in bud growth at that time as well.
Thank you for clarifying, I don't have much patience for people who are unwilling to research information for themselves, and instead want to be spoon-fed knowledge. And I personally harvest my indica dominant strains around 30% amber, 70% milky, it's a personal preference thing, Tommy. Good luck with your grow
Hey guys, thanks for the reply. I should have done more research I guess (sorry). Just wondering if a good magnifying glass would work too? Or do you recommend getting the microscope? Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
sorry that is what I meant to say, yes at least a 30x magnifier...but if they have them for under $10 at radio shack, that is a great deal!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the ones that radio shack sells are the same as those "Weed-o-scope" pocket microscopes, except they're 10 bucks at radio shack, not 22.95 or whatever they charge for the other ones