Blueberry Gum & other Attitude freebies...Low Budget Grow


Active Member
They are inducing labor on my wife tonight. Can't wait to meet my baby girl! Anyway, Does anybody know about Jack's Classic Fertilizer? I have seen nothing but great results and the price is excellent, no more than $10 per item. Cheap, but effective. Other than that, I have some MG Orchid potting soil. I will write more later, my wife is driving me nuts!
Best of luck to the baby and mum, I hope all goes well with the newest addition, may she be blessed and healthy and bring lots of love and joy to the world.
One Love.


Well-Known Member
I haven't had personal experience with jacks but thats what I will most likely be using next! A lot of people swear by it on here.


Active Member
Well, we had our daughter. She was 7lbs.15oz and 21in long. I have never felt love for someone I just met like I do her. It's just a miracle! thanks to all those who gave well wishes!

Well, got some bad news. The Pineapple Express plant died. It was an experiment, using the soil with the perlite and peat. It strangled the seedling. The root could not grow at all. I was pouring in some water and the plant floated! However on a more positive note, the Blueberry Gum is looking great and the Kandy Kush looks good as well. I will post pics tomorrow. The BBG has the fattest leaves I have ever seen! I can't wait to try it. I also bought a 125W Feliz 6500K blue spectrum bulb and reflector. I love it and the bulb is bright, but just warm to the touch. So, I can put the plants super-close to maximize intensity.

Does anyone know what really tiny light brown spots the size of a pin head are? I have added no nutrients and my soil pH is 6.0. I don't see the soil being too acidic. Does anyone think it is time to use maybe introduce some nutrients? These seeds were planted in a peat/perlite combo that was flushed and like I said the pH is now 6.0. I am thinking of using a diluted nutrient mixture and see how it goes unless I get overwhelming "NO's" by tomorrow.


Active Member
Nice I have Blueberry Gum, Kandy Kush, Pineapple Express starting up right now too.

EDIT: And CONGRATS man, and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Congrats Free..! Sorry to hear about the PE, best of luck with the rest of your grow!
Concerning the small spots, have you checked the underside of your leaves for pests...?
If they in soil already, the soil should be feeding them for the first few weeks, so not sure
about the lack of nutes issue... ATB!


Active Member
Last night I transplanted both plants. The BBG went without a problem. Then with the KK, my worst nightmare happened. The cup fell over and the roots were exposed! I about started crying, but I will tell you about the best supplement I have ever used on cannabis. I quickly filled my 3 gallon pot 3/4 full of Sunshine Mix (now, this is the Sunshine with no added nutes...only $9.95 for a large bag!) I transplanted quickly and here is where the magic began. I watered the plant and mixed a TBSP of AZOMITE in with it (per gallon). I woke up this morning and was totally expecting transplant shock, as well as a nearly dead Kandy Kush plant. Not only does the Kandy Kush appear to be appears to be thriving! Azomite is awesome! I highly recommend using it. It was only $6.95 a box and a box feeds around 10sq ft. of soil. I only have two plants, so I will use it this whole grow, everytime I water. I have seen plants using Azomite as the only fertilizer and the plants grew huge. I am going to begin construction on my new grow room today. Right now, I have got an emergenct blanket wrapped around the light reflector with a fan blowing air. It's ghetto, but the plants are looking great! Here are some pics.DSCN0255.jpgDSCN0253.jpgDSCN0256.jpgDSCN0252.jpgDSCN0254.jpgthe Kandy Kush is the plant with the leaves krinkling and spots. That is the reason I transplanted and started adding nutes. The plant with the bigger, healthier leaves is the BBG. Remember this is 14 hours after transplant. In my opinion, they look great...thanks Azomite:blsmoke::blsmoke:


Active Member
It was a good day. I woke up this morning and my Mg deficiency was gone. Last night, I mixed some epsom salt (tbsp) into a spray bottle of water (I used bottled water). I sprayed both plants (foliar) and poured about 1/2 cup aroud the base of each plant to supplement the plants through the roots. The whitening around the edges were gone, as was the purple color around the stems when I awoke this morning. (You can kinda see the leaves before adding the Epsom Salt in the pics above) Another reason it was a good day was that I got my ballast to my 400W HPS Sun System with my Hortilux bulb. I have had it in storage since my first grow in 2004 and now it's time to do some damage and grow some real kill. I on my third node and I think it's about time to start doing some LST. Anyone got any advice? I see that I lost some company on this thread, but my wife gave birth to my beautiful daughter and my computer crashed. Bear with me and bear in mind that I will keep this thing up!


Active Member
Hey man I just read through your grow. I think its doing great for low budget ive got some jacks classic all purpose 20-20-20 and house plant special 15-30-15 kickin around for just in case situations. The plants look good i think the spots look like some kind of pest problem keep an eye on em for bugs. Oh and i really dont know much about azomite but im pretty amazed at how well that plant took the shock.


Active Member
thanks EOFTW89. I figured if it was bugs, then they would have been on both plants. At first, the symptoms were pointing to a trace element deficiency of Mn (manganese). I kept my eye on them after transplant and they actually looked better. Azomite is outstanding for transplants. I could hardly believe it when the plants grew the day after transplant with no stagnation or adjustment period. The only problem after transplant was a Mg deficiency. I am gonna go and get some nutes today because the only thing I have used so far is azomite. I wanna go low budget, but I will NOT sacrifice quality for price.


Well-Known Member
My BBG has sprouted also and is growing so fucking fast its crazy..Im gonna post pics so as i get a little more growth.. EXACTLY HOW OLD ARE YOUR SPROUTS.... Also the PE is also crazzy ....ATTITUDE SEEDS REALLY LOOKED OUT FOR ME THIS TIME AROUND.... GOOD LUCK


Active Member
My BBG has sprouted also and is growing so fucking fast its crazy..Im gonna post pics so as i get a little more growth.. EXACTLY HOW OLD ARE YOUR SPROUTS.... Also the PE is also crazzy ....ATTITUDE SEEDS REALLY LOOKED OUT FOR ME THIS TIME AROUND.... GOOD LUCK
Yeah, check mine out. They are looking great. Read below to find out what I used for nutes.
might be chlorine
do you use tap water?
you might be absolutely right. From what I hear, some cities have chlorine that is bonded to the water molecule in a way that it cannot be removed. I must have that water because I usually let the water sit for a couple of days to let the chlorine evaporate, but this water must have that chlorine bonded to it. I bought an empty container at Walmart to fill with Culligan, but the container dry rotted and as soon as I filled it...the damn thing busted when I sat it on the counter!:cuss:
gonna try again today.

I am doing soil and organic so far. I got pictures of what ferts I am using. They are both inexpensive and high-quality. That is usually a rare combination in the grow world. I will tell you this, if you are doing soil and are transplanting, use AZOMITE! I will stand behind this product 100% It was only $6.95 at my local indoor gardening store. If you don't know about it, azomite is some kind of volcanic rock that is native to only Utah and it has many, many micronutrients essential to plant growth that do not appear in most nutrient solutions in a significant enough quantity to be beneficial. I seriously had NO transplant shock and the plants actually grew as soon as I transplanted to 3 gal containers. I am also using Dr. Earth Organic Fruit Tree fertilizer 7-4-2, which is outstanding stuff and an absolute bargain at $9.99 a bag!
The first and last picture is the BBG, 3,4,5 are KK. The middle top is the fert. combination that I am using. Dr. Earth is great. It has mycorrhyzae, probiotics, as well as the beneficial micros and macros. I split a 1/2 gallon jug of water between the two. here is the fert. ratio.
1 gallon water
1/4 cup Dr. Earth
1/4 cup Azomite
Shake well and pour around the root base. I also took dry fertilizer and put a 1/4 cup around the base of each plant. The plants grew so much in twelve hours! Take a comparison of these pics to the last ones I snapped. That is a little over 18 hrs!


Well-Known Member
That is def. good growth FH!! I gave one of my lawyer buddies some azomite for his tomato garden.
Blew his S#1T to new heights... now he's ordering it in I've never used it alone, only in Subcool's
'Super Soil' mix. Thanks for the new tip on watering with it.... i'll give it a go and experiment with a few plants.

sidenote: How's that babygirl doin' brotha? I have 3 sons, so the "pops" in me has to ask...



Active Member
That is def. good growth FH!! I gave one of my lawyer buddies some azomite for his tomato garden.
Blew his S#1T to new heights... now he's ordering it in I've never used it alone, only in Subcool's
'Super Soil' mix. Thanks for the new tip on watering with it.... i'll give it a go and experiment with a few plants.

sidenote: How's that babygirl doin' brotha? I have 3 sons, so the "pops" in me has to ask...

She is doing good, thanks for asking. She should be home in the next few days.

I went to the local hydro store this morning and bought a couple more things. I like the Dr. Earth Organic Fertilizer, but I decided I wanted a higher N,P ratio. So, I bought some Peruvian Seabird Guano which is 10-10-2. I will add it to the Dr. Earth because Dr. E has some other essential micros and macros the guano may not. I am gonna do a three-way attack on my plants next watering. I will use Azomite, Dr. E, and seabird guano together and mix it at 50% strength. Once I find out if the plants can take it without any burn or other bad side-effects, then I will go 75% to full strength. I am gonna continue to bend the stalk. If you look at the last pics, you will see the red string. That was the first bend. I will do the second today. Each bend will have a different string color.

Question?? Does anyone know anything about stuff called Chi? I saw a guy use it on youtube last night and his plants were so lush. The Chi, from what the guy said, is supposed to inflict fake damage on the leaves. This, in return, tricks the plant into healing the false damage, therefore making the leaves/bud sites bigger and stronger.


Active Member
you should change your soil MG soil slows growth....get some fox farm soil and youll see a big difference.

the girls look great....
well, the whole theme behind this grow is low-budget, but I decided not to use Miracle Grow Potting Soil. I did use MG perlite and peat, but that was only from germ up to transplant. Fox Farm is little overrated in my opinion. I can add all the stuff I want for my babies and spend about the same as FF. I went to my local hydro shop and for my transplant I bought a bag of Sunshine. It is the neutral Sunshine, basically a grow medium with no nutrients. I bought a bag of Azomite, Dr. Earth Organic Fruit Tree Fertilizer (7-4-2), and Peruvian Sea-Bird Guano (10-10-2). Still very low cost and very high quality. Here is the price rundown of what I have spent and bear in mind that it may be a little more than FF, but like Burger King...I can have it my way!
Sunshine Lg. Bag - $9.99
Azomite - $6.95
Dr. Earth - $9.99
Peruvian Guano - $7.95
Grand total of $35.00, which is very cheap for outstanding organic quality. The MG soil was $4.95 for a bag 1/2 the size of the Sunshine, so essentially it is the same price. So, why sacrifice quality? So, Cloud9 if you think the plants look good in the last pictures, then you should check out these updates. I just added the 3-way mix of Dr. E, Azomite, and Guano for the first time