Blueberry Kush [AF]


Figured i'd contribute with a thread of my first 'real grow'. Help if you see any errors, signs of bad things, diseases, more light etc.

The guide will only have pictures from 2x Blueberry Kush Autoflowering but there is also 2x Northern Lights Autoflowering and 1x Diesel Ryder Autoflowering running in the tent.

Secret Jardin DR60 II (Specs: 60 x 60 x 160)
200w CFL (Blue Spectrum for Vegg)
200w CFL (Red Spectrum for Flower)
4 x 1,7 Gallon Pots
Canna Nutrients (Currently only Terra Flores/Terra Vega/PK13/14, but have ordered organic Flores/Vega/Rhizotonic/Boost/PK13/14.)
Golden label soil
RootFast ATA (Something my grow shop sent with me for free)
1 Oscillation Fan (about 30-40 inches tall)

I have placed the tent inside a closet and the temperature is around 78 F and the humidity around 40%. (I have ordered CO2 boost)

Day -2:Germinated Seeds in small glasses covered with a dark cup for 24 hours (Until they sunk to the bottom)
Day -1:Placed Seeds in soil, soil has been flushed with 1ml/liter.

Please don't post until :leaf: (got 16 days of pictures)


Day 1 - First sign of life.

Today was the first sign of life, both of the two seems to have germinated just fine. Currently feeding 0.5ml/l of RootFast and 2.6ml/l.

Lighttimer set to 18/6 and will be running like this the entire way so no need to mention it again, unless you have suggestions to change to 12/12 but from what Ive read I should go 18/6 or even 20/4.

Blueberry Kush Day 1 (001).jpg


Day 2 - Leaves turned greener and seems to be developing properly. Still using up water from yesterday so not a big change here.

Blueberry Kush Day 2 (001).jpg


Day 4 - Still no change, soil was dry when I woke up so continued to water with 0.5ml/l RootFast and 2.6ml/l Terra Vega.

Blueberry Kush Day 4 (001).jpg


Day 5 - Things got a little more interesting this morning, tiny pairs of leaves appeared on each of the babies. Sprayed both plants with Halo Foliar spray to increase defense against diseases.

Blueberry Kush Day 5 (001).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 5 (002).jpg


Day 7 - Today I stopped using the RootFast. Not sure if I should have kept on using it but I couldnt find any good information so I decided that 1 week was enough. Also increased Terra Vega supply to 3.8 ml/l.

Blueberry Kush Day 7 (001).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 7 (002).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 7 (003).jpg


Day 8 - New pair of leaves appeared on the one closest to the fan, very small yet but you can see them in pic 4.

Blueberry Kush Day 8 (001).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 8 (002).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 8 (003).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 8 (004).jpg


Day 14 - Should start flowering in about a week so increased nutrients to 4.7ml/l Terra Vega. Also placed foil ontop of the soil to reflect the light for the bottom leaves.

Blueberry Kush Day 14 (003).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 14 (004).jpg


Day 16 Took one of the plants out to check up on something grey that appeared in the pots. Looks like mold but has no smell and feels like salt. Any idea what this might be? About FIM, should I cut of the top? Heard it makes it more bushier but the plant is pretty small as it is.

Blueberry Kush Day 16 (001).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 16 (002).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 16 (003).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 16 (004).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 16 (005.jpgIMG_9144.jpg

This was all I have taken yet, returning with more updates tomorrow :leaf: Feel free to comment, tell me what im doing wrong etc. All the help I can get is very much appreciated.


Day 17 - No big change, more leaves are appearing, think ill LST them tomorrow. Change light to 200watt red spectrum for flowering. Got a Diesel Ryder in the same tent thats about to finish. Hope this isnt a bad thing.

Blueberry Kush Day 17 (001).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 17 (002).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 17 (003).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 17 (004).jpg


Day 18 - Decided to go for lst on one plant last night before lights when dark, this is the result a few hours later. First time doing it and only saw one video of it so hopefully I got it right. Thinking of going for FIM on the other so I can compare the diffrence. How much do I chop-chop? Is it to late for this? Or even to early? Help much appriciated ;-)

Blueberry Kush Day 18 (001).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 18 (002).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 18 (003).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 18 (004).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 18 (005).jpgBlueberry Kush Day 18 (006).jpg


Havent been around for a few days, was on holiday and had a friend taking care of the plants for me but had the camera with me so no pictures. Anyway, alot happened the last 12 days, plants started flowering, main stem got alot stronger and they have grown drastically in height. Here are some picture updates.
Blueberry Kush = The tallest ones (on the right). The other two are Northern Lights.


Currently feeding with 8ml Bio Flores, 1ml Bio Rhizotonic, 4ml BioBoost per 2l of water. Also applied Halo Foliar Spray to the babies yesterday.

Feel free to comment, but doesn't seem that anyone really reads this, but Ill just keep going untill harvest day.

