Bluelab Truncheon or Combo?


Hey guys,

I've been slowly buying pieces for my grow space online and I wanted to ask if the Bluelab combo meter is any good.

I know a lot of people strongly recommmend the truncheon for their ec/tds/pp readings.

Just wondering if I should buy the truncheon and get another brand for PH / temp, or if the combo works well for temps and PH.

Hope to hear your thoughts on this before I start to place orders.

Have a nice day! :)



Well-Known Member
i personally use the truncheon ec/ppm meter and have a seperate milwaukee ph meter... and then i have a water chiller that obviously chills the water but tells the temp of it also.. but thats set to 65 so water temps are low.. but anyways.. here is a link to both of them i use.. and i love them both.. the truncheon never needs calibrated.. and the ph meter stays in the res all the time.. and most its drifted from where it should be was .3.. and that was actually my fault cause i was playing with it a little...




Thanks for your input SS420.

I was initially going to go with the combo but there was this thread where someone said the temp measurement on his was off by 5 degress so it got me wondering about how good it was for ph/temp measurements.


Well-Known Member
thats the thing... if something fails on the combo meters it means you have to get a new meter to know anything about your res.. where as if you have seperate meters and, lets say, your ph meter goes to shit, you can at least know that your nute solution is where it should be until you get a new ph meter.. not to mention they would be cheaper to replace...


hmmm yeah, thats something i obviously overlooked.

Anyway if any of you guys are interested, I managed to get the web shop for bluelab in NZ and they are currently offering free delivery to anywhere in the world.

They also stock the full range of accessories and replacement parts. Prices are cheapest i've seen online.

Not sure about the rules for linking but if you type "bluelab assist" in google, it should be the first result.

Happy shopping! :)