BMO super plant tonic went anaerobic


Active Member
I think...Tightened the cap on accident and by the time I realized it a couple days later, the super plant tonic had gone funky (bottle swelled, it has a bitter smell, and its carbonated). Is there any way to revive it? Thanks in advance.


I've done the same thing before. I pour the stuff out of the bottle into a empty coke bottle, then back into the bottle it came in. I did that a few times and left the cap real loose. About three or four days later, it was all good. I also add a few ounces of RO water, after I use half the bottle down, and a teaspoon of "sugar in the raw". Keeps the microlife happy, and stretches the bottle a little further.


Active Member
I actually added some molasses and left the cap off for a few days. Its back to normal. Thanks for the reply