
Well-Known Member
I love how you just post shit and claim things without any context.

Who was investigating Clinton? Andrew McCabe. Interesting fact about McCabe - his wife is a first time political candidate who received 675,000 in cash from Terry McAuliffe's (Clinton Ally) Democratic PAC. No conflicts of interest there, nope.

And surely they could have gone through 640,000 emails in a few days and reasonably come to this conclusion. Given there's a tonne of potential pedo shit that is obviously investigatable and demands follow up. This investigation is ongoing. Clinton has hardly been cleared (although due to the fact that there are different laws for different groups of people in your country, will likely never see a day in jail). This was simply a political statement.


Well-Known Member
I love how you just post shit and claim things without any context.

Who was investigating Clinton? Andrew McCabe. Interesting fact about McCabe - his wife is a first time political candidate who received 675,000 in cash from Terry McAuliffe's (Clinton Ally) Democratic PAC. No conflicts of interest there, nope.

And surely they could have gone through 640,000 emails in a few days and reasonably come to this conclusion. Given there's a tonne of potential pedo shit that is obviously investigatable and demands follow up. This investigation is ongoing. Clinton has hardly been cleared (although due to the fact that there are different laws for different groups of people in your country, will likely never see a day in jail). This was simply a political statement.
nice meltdown.


Well-Known Member
Trump's a pedo rapist. I don't know what you're talking about. So is Clinton though. If you vote for either you're voting for evil.
Change your name to Chicken Little. The sky is falling!

You should look up evil. I wonder what the average latino voter thinks about evil? I wonder what the average woman voter thinks about evil? Some of those Trump rallies look and sound evil.

There's only 2 outcomes here, one is evil, one is not.