Bong hits, broken up or not?


Well-Known Member
So yesterday my sister and I were smokeing after eating Thanksgiving, and she says out of no where, "You know it's better to not break the weed up when you smoke out of the bong?"

And i tried to tell her it wasn't but i learned to not argue years ago.

I was just wondering, Do you guys think it's better to break up the weed or no?

I like to break it up, cause then you can get one good rip, And you can take the stems out cause they burn like wood.


Well-Known Member
I something dont break the weed...if i am lazy...but most of the time I grind it! You get better hits and no clogs lol.


New Member
really depends on the feel of the weed for me.
if its that fluffy shit i just chunk a nug in it.
but if its the shit that breaks up real good then i break it up.



Well-Known Member
if its some regs then i break it up and take the stems and seeds out, keepin the decent seeds incase i wanna grow them. if its some good crippy i just pull off a nice chunk from the nug and prolly bust it into 2 or 3 nice little chunks and throw it in there and rip away. never have and never will use a grinder, thats for noob smokers.


Well-Known Member
breaking up the weed DEFENETLY makes it burn better and more consistent. You can get bigger better rips from ground weed than from a chunk. But it burns way faster if its grinded. u choose... either way you get high :-P