Bong Recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Well I debating whether to get a moderately priced bong (like $60 or less) or go all out and get a expensive bong, watcha recommend?


Well-Known Member
depends on your finances..............if you have money go big.........if not go small...............150 bux will get a damn nice one to use and show off.............900 dollars gets bragging rihts and a damn nice bong................20 bux and you get stoned


Well-Known Member
just go to your local head shop, warning: you might spend 200 dollars more than you thought when you walked in lol.


Well-Known Member
You get what you put in.
So if you want a cheap bong you will get that.
I recommend getting a bong with an ice catch. Once I got one I cant smoke nothing else unless it has ice. That bong only cost me a bit over 100.

An ice catch is a notch in the tube of the bong, which allows icecubes to sit above the water, making the smoke cooler and smoother.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
supposedly the water vapor from the ice is bad for your lungs though.,.. check it up

i never had any problems though...


Well-Known Member
well if you were a mountain climber.......I mean way up there where its frozen you would know one of the greatest dangers is inhalein the moist cold air like in a cave for very long...........cant think of the name they call it..........but was a movie on it and I checked it out and its a for real danger.........but thats hours of none stop breathing......wouldnt think a bong hit............breath breath breath.....bong hit.........breath breath...........would hurt.............not an expert so your milage may vary.


Well-Known Member
supposedly the water vapor from the ice is bad for your lungs though.,.. check it up

i never had any problems though...
did you have a link? Also I know its kinda different, would that mean that vaping with a bong/ice chamber that it would be bad for you?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i do not have a link sir

perhaps I am retarded and incorrect idk this is something I feel like i heard from a reputible source though

I wouldnt be worried if your smoking out of ice bongs though! lol

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
Its hard to say how much to spend, how fancy do you want to go really... i mean you could get percolator bongs or even [URL=",or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44770516,d.d2k&fp=b13d05b14548eb25&biw=1217&bih=635"illadelph[/URL] they have some amazing glass art but it comes at a pricey price so... how fancy ;)