Bonicare vs. GH


Well-Known Member
both work well.. i have used the entire gh line and like it a lot... bonicare is good also.. but i prefer the 3 part systems myself... just depends on what your looking for...


Well-Known Member
I use the three part as a base nutrient with other supplements, like carbs, flower boosters, etc, when they are needed.. I use to use it for veg and flower, but now I switch my base out with H&G for flower. Ive noticed better results with the H&G, better flowers. But, the gen hydro is the shit for veg. It is also cool because they make two versions of the floramicro, in case you have hard water, and also, with it being three part, the dose goes 5,10,15 ml per gallon, then when you switch to bloom, you just go backwards, 15,10,5 ml per gallon. Cool thing is, when you get to the end of flower and you want to up your nitrogen a bit in about week 7, you just do a little switch to 15,10,10, and you get the little extra boost to help your plants stop going yellow too early... ANyway, thats my two cents