Botanicare Econojet?

So im looking into purchasing a system from a friend and was curious if anyone has one or has used one before maybe you could give me a little tutorial or let me know if its worth the buy.

hes asking 300 for it but i just looked online and they msrp at 229.00 so im going to offer 180 seeing that its used.

its made by botanicare its the econojet series and its the 2X2 as far as size.

Once again if you have used this system please help me out with a little setup or something, thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
I have the 2 3x3,2 3x1.5 econojet.....You can use as regular ebb and flow and if you buy the lid and fittings you can turn into aero setup or top feed.....depends on how you want to utilize it.......I got mine on all mine on craigslist...pretty damn cheap..How do you plan to use it???
I have the 2 3x3,2 3x1.5 econojet.....You can use as regular ebb and flow and if you buy the lid and fittings you can turn into aero setup or top feed.....depends on how you want to utilize it.......I got mine on all mine on craigslist...pretty damn cheap..How do you plan to use it???
Well it will be my first hydroponics grow and i havent learned enough about aeroponics yet in order to take that route.

i have a small soil op going and she looks great i have an album with pics if youd like to check her out.

but i will definatly just be using it with the top feeding tray with the resorvoir below but he is throwing in the pebbles and all the nutrients hes got. i was thinking about building a holding tray to hold up my plants instead of using the entire thing as an open tray.

if theres any way you could add me and help me out with the setup when i get it you will never see more rep on your page:weed:

thanks for the reply man.


Well-Known Member
Heavy indica strain..........dark green healthy foliage.......looking pretty good...and it's my bedtime as well so pm when you get your gear if you have any Q's
Heavy indica strain..........dark green healthy foliage.......looking pretty good...and it's my bedtime as well so pm when you get your gear if you have any Q's

Will do sir. ill get some fresh photos also.

any idea what a plant this size should yield? let me know with the new pics? thanks

tea tree

Well-Known Member
you know you want it. Botanicare makes some killer looking goods. But the price is outrageous. I would say only buy it off craigslist. Only pay half or a third what it is worth. I am in ca and the huge ones go all day for 50 - 100 bucks total! I got my 3x3 botanicare white tray for 40 plus rw. I would use a 27 gallon 20 dollar walmart luggage box, like a strong rubbermaid. Same as res but a quarter the price. For a stand you can use a card table or wood or I saw a nice metal one for 30 dollars finely. Yu can build your own botanicare for like 10 bucks. They are cool enought sell the pvc joists at bghydro and the like and the pvc at lowes. If you got the money it sure is handy, the allure is odd, after all they are so cheap to build. I made a ebb and flow using a 2x3 foot cememnt mixing tray I got at home depot for five bucks. I still use it to veg. It sits on a five dollar 18 gallon rubbermaid and I just use a peice of pvc with a cap with holes and a large hole to drain. My 500 gph pump is so fast I just let it rip for 15 every hour. Works like a charm.
you know you want it. Botanicare makes some killer looking goods. But the price is outrageous. I would say only buy it off craigslist. Only pay half or a third what it is worth. I am in ca and the huge ones go all day for 50 - 100 bucks total! I got my 3x3 botanicare white tray for 40 plus rw. I would use a 27 gallon 20 dollar walmart luggage box, like a strong rubbermaid. Same as res but a quarter the price. For a stand you can use a card table or wood or I saw a nice metal one for 30 dollars finely. Yu can build your own botanicare for like 10 bucks. They are cool enought sell the pvc joists at bghydro and the like and the pvc at lowes. If you got the money it sure is handy, the allure is odd, after all they are so cheap to build. I made a ebb and flow using a 2x3 foot cememnt mixing tray I got at home depot for five bucks. I still use it to veg. It sits on a five dollar 18 gallon rubbermaid and I just use a peice of pvc with a cap with holes and a large hole to drain. My 500 gph pump is so fast I just let it rip for 15 every hour. Works like a charm.
its kinda more like me helpin a buddy out of a hole actually but i have seen the home made ones. i live in the south where its hard to even find a ponics store.