Bottom single leaves turning yellow and dieing on the edges


Active Member
I was just wondering if this was normal, my leaves are yellowing up at the bottom of the plant. Maybe too much watering? or is it normal for the first set of single leaves to die off?IMG_20120619_084044.jpgIMG_20120619_084051.jpgIMG_20120619_084058.jpg

no clue

Well-Known Member
No it isn't. Your soil looks like mud. Looks to me like nute burn. Need perlite in that soil


Active Member
No clue is right, it looks like you literally took soil from your backyard. You should have mixed some store bought soil with 20-40% perlite. Add perlite without disturbing the roots if you can. Hopefully you sterilized that soil if you did get it from outside, if not you could end up with a ton of insect problems.


Active Member
i transplanted it, ill take pics and post them in a minute, and you guys can tell me if you think it will be alright


Well-Known Member
That soil looks so wet n compacted that it couldn't be good for the roots. Needs soft airy soil like pro mix, something with peat and perlite or vermiculite in it..

no clue

Well-Known Member
What he said ^ though I would stick with perlite..looks like you're retaining plenty of moisture