Bottom yellowing. over water, deficiency, ...?


Active Member
At first, it was just the smallest set of leaves, but the yellowing seems to be slowly working its' way up. I've been watering every 2-3 days. Plant is in ocean forest soil and getting half to 2/3 recommended dosing of grow big. Maybe it's root bound too? I'm not exactly sure. I see some small roots poking out the bottom, but they're a little bit brownish. The bottom inch of the pot is filled with rocks and it drains pretty well. Whenever i water, there are no issues with water leaking out the bottom. Any help would be appreciated as it seems to be getting progressively worse.

...also, i got some bigger pots for it. Should i water before or after the transplant? I have a feeling it's not going to be an easy transition since i'm currently using clay pots.


Well-Known Member
looks to me like its overwatering but I'm no expert. It could be an N deficiency but your soil looks pretty wet to me.


Active Member
Okay, i transplanted them into 5 gallon containers. They were definitely root bound although i'm still not sure if that is the reason it was yellowing. There was a clump of roots wrapped around the 1.5" of rocks at the bottom so they weren't getting much if any water or nutes from the soil. Hopefully this corrects it because if it doesn't, i have no idea what's wrong then. Each plant is about the same size now. Same conditions, same nutes, etc... But the other plants doesn't seem to have the yellowing issue.



Active Member
Thanks. If it was indeed yellowing from being rootbound, should i see an immediate improvement now that they're in bigger pots? Will the yellow leaves go back to being green or are they done for?


Active Member
I'm not sure if the leaves were just too far gone or if i'm still having an issue. The leaves that were yellowing are starting to curl and dry. The plant has however grown a tad over half an inch since the repot. I'm watching closely. Will probably know within a day or two whether the larger pots helped the situation any.


Active Member
Are they yellow leaves spreading? I am going through something similar... I just transplanted but i was wondering if you ever watered with epsom salts?


Active Member
Are they yellow leaves spreading? I am going through something similar... I just transplanted but i was wondering if you ever watered with epsom salts?
I've never watered with epsom salt. When i first started these out, i had yellowing tips, but that turned out to be a pH problem. I still think it's too early to tell if it's spreading upward. I'll check mid day tomorrow and post. Were your plants rootbound?

may be you need a little bit of nitrogen
I'm going to water with just regular pH'd water next and then bump up my nutes after that. I'm just a little nervous because i already used 2/3 strength FF Grow Big right after the transplant. One thing i do know is that my plants are taking forever to mature. It's been pretty cold lately, plant wise. The temps for my plants have been in the mid 60's to low 70's this whole time. I think i should have been flowering a week ago, but the cold is stunting my growth. They're about 10.5" now and one's 5.5 weeks old while the other's 4.5 weeks old. The worst part is, i've got a grow tent, 600 watt hps, carbon filter all ready to be set up. The only problem is i'm about to have a house inspection within the next two weeks so i have to wait for that to be done with.
Those lower leaves will probably not green up again. I'd pull them off, the plants look great otherwise.
You don't think i should let the plant just feed off them until they turn into a crisp? Do i just cut the leaf off, or where the branch meets the main stem?


Active Member
Yes they were root bound so hopefully that was it i thought about flushing the new dirt with espom salts just as precaution but i am a noob so i am trying not to try any of my ideas in worry of effin the plant up lol. I am doing the same with the ferts. gonna just water until i looks like the plants have taken to the transplant. But then i am really gonna lay it on them i think part of the yellowing might have been lack of food so i am upping the feedings. As far as wanting to flower quickly at least if you wait you can see the pre flowers and get rid of any males. You should have the pre flowers there just waiting to show sex. And males show first so if its taking along time that maybe a good thing. Mine are 4.5weeks old one just showed today (female ya!) and the other is few days from showing.


Active Member
ive had the same issue except more extreme and they just kept spreading upward.. and i lost a mass of the plant.. i think it was just a nute deficieny cause. i ahd ben using nutes on it until i decided to go the organic route soi think it was lack of nutes.


Well-Known Member
it'll take about a week for the grow to get back on track after stress. but when it does, watch out, it'll take off!

and ya, get rid of the yellow or brown leaves. plants use everything thats green for photosynthesis. so it really has no use for it.

if anything itll harm the plant more than help it. bad leaves steal energies, oxygen, and co2 from the rest of the leaves.

good luck!