Bought new timer didn't shut off one week into flower


Active Member
Hello I recently switched from 110 to 220 for my big lights.Bought 2 timers 220 The guy told me how to use them wrong.I think he was fucked up high.My problem is my plants got a 24 hr lights on.1 week into flower.I figured out timer now and should be able to control it ok.But have never had this happen before you think it will mess me up?


Well-Known Member
Well. If you never actually did a 12/12, then nothing happened other than your plants got an extra week and a half of veg. That translates week later for harvest.

I own two timers. I cant figure them out for shit and i dont trust them. I have to manually flip 4 switches twice a day.

My life is so hard.


Active Member
I said it wrong.They have been on 12/12 for 8 days.Then last night it didn't shut off.They had a 24 hr light spell.There off now has anyone accidently had this happen?In early flower


you are probably going to be ok, with only 1 full day on. You might want to do 24 hr dark to kick them back into bloom. But at 1week in, you should be ok, FAR worse to do that after, say 4 weeks in 12/12.

I may set back your harvest a bit, but you should be ok. I wrecked an entire crop when a pin slipped out of my timer and put them on 24 hr for a WEEK. stringy bud made decent kief hash and oil, was worthless for anything else.


Well-Known Member
only time will tell i'm sure they will be fine but ALOT of people will tell "you now you have hermies" but i wouldn't stress it just keep a hawks eye on them good luck


Active Member
Thanks for the replies first I heard 24 hr of dark.I would like to get them back on the old schedule.Can't go in grow rm till 10 pm now.Really enjoyed being in there threw the day.Anyone else think 24 hr of dark would be ok.Or just leave on whats on and don't stress them anymore.


Well-Known Member
It should be fine if it was just 1 time of 24 hours and only 8 days in. I wouldn't stress hard on it but I would do 24 hours dark to throw them back into flower. If you keep an eye on them and watch for males sacks then you should be fine. As far as enjoying being in there during the typical lights off then get a green cfl to throw in there. I have a 13 watt green bulb in there and I can go in whenever.


Well-Known Member
Just put them on their normal 12/12 cycle. That shit's happened to me a bunch of times. Never had a problem. As long as it was just the one time, this early into flower, it'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
hey oregon024 this is darak from grants pass. i couldnt figure out how to send some pics to you so i just found your most recent thread to post them in if u dont mind. they have a yellowing prob but its ok i guess. u should check out my journal in the link below called third grow unkown strains. the clones u gave me are doin great to.