Bout three and a half weeks into budding.I Need Some Help with this small plant(Pics)


Well-Known Member
Hey bro it could VERY well be rootbound in that small container, you will be suprised at how much the roots grow and fill a container... also is their light leaks? How often are you watering/feeding? Are you Phing your water? What type of lights are you using and how much?What type of nutrients are you using?

From the looks of it, its rootbound, the reason i say this is b/c if its rootbound it just wont grow anymore it just sits and eventually rot away without a new container.


New Member
How long has it be in that container? You shouldnt be cutting off leaves it can shock the plant and even cause the plant to contract a disease.


Well-Known Member
How old is it? Any signs of sex?

To me it looks overwatered. Water every 3 days...

Also, my plants always have leaves die like crazy at the bottom, but I never remove them. The only time I remove them, is once in awhile I will just knock off leafs that will fall off with the touch of my finger, cutting them off is very bad. Any leafs that don't just fall off, the plant is still using, they have energy stored in them the plant can use, thats another reason not too.


Well-Known Member
move that flourescent so it's on TOP of the plant not the sides. Top your plant to increase yield water every 3-4 days ONLY! and yeah, transplant into something bigger! it will grow 2-3x it's current size during flowering


Well-Known Member
you CAN trim bottom leaves, but you shouldn't during flowering. cutting stresses the plant and it may slow down or stop growth (or flowering) until it get over the shock.
I'd trimmed all during veg stage to minimize wasted plant energy going to (unused) bottom leaves since I am growing a SOG setup


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. the roots are totally covering the soil, theres more then the soil itself actually so im gonna get it transplanted into a bigger pot with some more miracle grow and perlite and see what will happen. umm it has started actually growing pistols at the top so its a DEFINITE FEMALE :D hope this shits gonna grow 2 be the bomb diggity