Boy or Girl HELP!


Well-Known Member
looks male to me, you can wait a couple days for the other balls to start popping up beside them if you want to.


damn guys... this sucks some serious ballz litterally...i still have 2 more plants, hopefully they wont let me down like this one did. and yes, all them pics are just of that one plant...damn yo...


Well-Known Member
I know man, its a bummer. Just killed off three of mine a week ago, so sad to kill them, but... dont want my girls gettin it on with him :p


I feel you bro, thing that sucks is that guy right there was the HUSKY-EST of my 3 plants...I had "high" hopes for "her" but you know...shit happens rightt ughh
Looks like some balls there... :cry: Yeah, I had similar luck on my grow as well with three out of five turning male. It sad destroying them but if ur not going to use the males for seed or collecting pollen then it's best to chop them now before they get busy with ur girls. Keep on growing :blsmoke:


When can it be safe to make sure if it is or not, like when is the absolute latest i can wait before destroying it or before it starts getting it on with my other 2 possible girls??? Thanks guys for all the feedback n shit.


Well-Known Member
you can wait a few more days no problem. i usually wait till i see other balls starting to form or a ball on a stick. i just had to cut down 8 of 10 males out of my group. the males are usually the bigger prettier plants to begin with it seems. worst comes to worst you can start cloning as soon as you find your females then you are guaranteed all ladies :)


Well-Known Member
Cut it today. Its a male. I know it sucks the big one. I know its weird to kill one of your babies at first but you'll get used to it fast. Looks like youre doing a great job though. He looks healthy.


Right man, i did cut it down just about 5 mins ago lol, it sucked but its best for my lady friends! keep you all posted about the other 2 i have, ill post up pics when they show the pre flower so you guys can help me out!! Thanks again to everyone!!!!!!


Screen shot 2013-04-27 at 1.42.06 PM.jpgScreen shot 2013-04-27 at 1.42.56 PM.jpg OKAY so here we are with my 2nd baby...boy,girl??? My 3rd isnt showing any signs yet :/ But if u ask me this looks like a winner???


Well-Known Member
probably a girl. i always find the pistols close to the top of the plant first so keep lookin. if you dont see the balls like on the other its usually female.