boy or girl? with pics


Active Member
I need some help guys, I cant tell if my baby is a girl or a boy. My other two are going really good and havin alot of bud hairs, and the other one doesnt have anything on it yet so could it be a boy?



New Member
I need some help guys, I cant tell if my baby is a girl or a boy. My other two are going really good and havin alot of bud hairs, and the other one doesnt have anything on it yet so could it be a boy?
take pics of the nodes

Despised Icon

Active Member
Congrats on the girl dude! picks 1, 2, and 4 are for sure 3 i'm not to sure yet don't see anything except maybe some hairs in the right side lil white ones!


too early to tell on that one but my guess would be female i would think all the males showed themselves by now were in the globe u at?