Branches broke/split off of stock!!!???


Man, I was showering this morning when I looked out the window and notice something odd about one of my plants. After going out to take a look I notices two branches had sort of just broke off from the main stock of the plant. A couple of weeks back I had bent( just a slight bend, nothing serious or extreme) my plant to get some side branches to grow and become sort of like top growers... and was stoked on the success I was having. After bending I was starting to really see some lateral grow from the side branches growing up like tops almost. Also, Im new at this and might have been over watering... though all my plants are looking so great....super lush, nice dark green, super super looking. SO whats the deal with these breaking/splitting off branches?? They were unrepairable and I ended up cutting them off. It was like the skin of the branches (epidermal layer) was saggy around the branch and wasn;t supporting them or something. Should I be bracing/supporting my plants somehow....and ideas, thoughts, or suggestions? My poor babies..... this sucks!:sad:

Oh, by the way... Im growing outdoors. Also, could this be a nutrient problem.... everything looked so great thought.. no indication of anything wrong.... could it be root rot?? Please help


Well-Known Member
Ive never head of any defiencies that would cause that?

I would quess its an animal or the wind?
It would have to be an pressure applied to the plant by somthing to break em off?

Take any more of em you find an try to clone off em.


Ok... so does anyone have any technics on supporting heavy branches.... I saw a picture somewhere of a bamboo stake driven into the grown down near the center of the plants...then twine was used to go from the top of the bamboo stick to I gues what was stake in the ground around the parimeter of the plant.... couldnt really see exactly what was done in the picture... anyone know of any support type idea??