breakfast sandwich


Well-Known Member
yup..i'm eating one...its freaking delicious...

2 slices of wheat toast(buttered after toasting in the toaster)
2 sausage patties warmed up in the microwave
2 large eggs cooked in a gladware container with a little bit of vegitable oil coating the inside in the microwave
1 slice of american cheese(all i had left)

fuck yum :D

Oh yeah...and some nice dark roast coffee :)


Active Member
I frigin love breakfast foods!! I bought (dont remember where) some onion soup bowls with lids that microwave an egg perfectly. It comes out like a poached egg. Sausage pattie and bacon with cheese on a toasted English muffin or a good hearty bread. Damn. Wife is making a pot roast (sorry stoners, it's a beef roast not really pot) for dinner already, and now I'm craving breakfast. Maybe tomorrow or a mid-night snack.


Well-Known Member
Lol 50 minutes!!!! I know it was a typo. And yeah, if you don't flip it, it makes a hell of a mess.
Aye...I find if you just gently cook it...stop it every now and wont blow the fuck up making a huge mess :D

And I fixed my typo :D

Total Head

Well-Known Member
fuck yes on breakfast sandwiches. i make mine a little different though.

for bread i use either an everything bagel, sesame bun, or croissant, lightly toasted. (i have an aversion to ordinary sliced bread for sandwiches)
i always make the eggs in a pan, scrambled. i'm an average cook but for some reason my eggs are the best around. (i credit the light cream and perfect flame temp.)
when i can find it i use this thingy in the pan that molds the egg into a perfect inch tall egg patty.
make some bacon in the gas broiler. if i'm in the mood i'll fry up a couple maple sausage patties but i usually stick to just bacon.

now, (this is important) i place a single slice of deli american cheese (fuck kraft) on the bottom bread. it serves to block the hole in the bread and when it melts it holds the ingredients in place. also it is delicious.
then the egg, then the sausage (if present), then the bacon. the bacon is broken into 3 identical length peices and placed carefully.
a single slice of cheese is placed on top and allowed to melt onto the other ingredients to hold them in place.
then i put the top on and squish that shit. (yes, i'm a sandwich smasher)
cut in half (perpendicular to the direction the bacon was placed) and enjoy.

i fucking love breakfast sandwiches.


sandwiches are excellent for breakfast. but i must add that sandwiches are always good for any meal. my favorite online food reference :
since one can't look at porn at work, try viewing the next best thing : food