Brita nutrient filter


Active Member
So I've been thinking about adding a filtration system into my nutrient reservoir for my aeroponic system to help prevent clogged misters. Does anyone know if I run my nutes through a Brita carbon filter if it will filter out any of my nutrients?


Well-Known Member
So I've been thinking about adding a filtration system into my nutrient reservoir for my aeroponic system to help prevent clogged misters. Does anyone know if I run my nutes through a Brita carbon filter if it will filter out any of my nutrients?
Yes it will affect your nutrient solution and alter it. Try to find something like a particulate filter that uses like a fine paper or something. What are you using for nutes?


Active Member
I'm using CANNA nutes, and it's not the water that's clogging my misters, its the pieces of random plant material that slowly makes its way into the solution (pieces of roots, dirt from hydroton, etc.). Like I said, I can easily go 3-4 weeks without having problems, but after a while you can't avoid having some stuff build up in your plumbing, even if you change your solution once a week like I usually do.

Doc- are you talking about a coffee filter type material? Does anyone have any suggestions on where to get a particulate filter?