Broke one of my colas :( What can I do with it?


Well-Known Member
So I noticed that when I was moving one of my lights the other day I had broke one of my colas. Only about 2 inches were broke off the top. The plant has just started to get crystals on it and the cola doesn't look like it's getting better. Is it possible to still use the cola? Would it have any THC or maybe a use in some cannabutter or something?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Most likely not. The THC your plant was producing was not of the psychoactive kind anyway, so if you smoked it you would probably just get a headache.


Well-Known Member
Nope, the THC your plant produces in the early stages is called Dimethylheptyl-THC-11, it is the non-psychoactive version of the THC.
The THC you are looking for is DELTA-9-THC which only changes after the plant matures.

Sorry bud


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I clipped the broken, dried up bud and took a close look at it. It does have some crystals on it, just not a ton and I'm sure they aren't amber. Could I smoke it and get a little buzz?


Well-Known Member
It's not gonna kill you, try it!

That way, next time someone posts a topic like this you can say you tried it, and _____________.


Well-Known Member
I have one that broke on the top and it just pushed the previous top to the side and starting pushing another top. I broking mine shaking the whiteflies loose to get cought in trap. Its amazing yours broke so bad it stopped growth as well, mine how looks like an L



Well-Known Member
I have one that broke on the top and it just pushed the previous top to the side and starting pushing another top. I broking mine shaking the whiteflies loose to get cought in trap. Its amazing yours broke so bad it stopped growth as well, mine how looks like an L
thats freakin sweet


Well-Known Member
Well I tried it and I definitely got a buzz from it. . . of course I'm not a chronic smoker either so maybe I just didn't need a lot. Anyway, it was good. I can only imagine what the rest is going to be like!