Broken dial thingy on chibi


Hey to all on riu.
I recently ordered a timber chibi thru growlightsdepot.
It came this morning i opened the box and had a sinking feeling as the bubble wrap left about a 2 inch gap all round the interior of box and i could see the fixture thru the wrap.
Unwrapped it had a look at it thought great all good then spotted the casing on the dial i think its called a potentometer or sumshit .needless to say im a little pissed over it .
It seems to be only the outer casing but i am freaked out to use it now the reason i bought a premade fixture was to eliminate any errors on my part to reduce fire risk as we have kids could i just dissamble the lil box and glue or duct tape it back together head is wrecked been waitin a yr to upgrade waaaah lol
Any input accepted and processed

