brownies experience


Active Member
Yesterday I cooked up some special brownies, and they turned out to be some very, very potent treats.

One thing disconcerts me though. While the high produced by smoking the weed I used was a mind-racing active high, eating it gave a more sedative quality, right down to the point where I was rendered "non operational" and all I felt like doing was crawling into bed. I only ate a small sliver and that was enough to send my mind packing. I felt I was in a totally retarded state.

Maybe the high was just too strong for me to handle and I got fatigued, or... most of the THC is degraded by the heat of the cooking process and the result is that what used to be THC is now all canabinoids (canabinol, canabidiol, etc.)

Anyway, while an interesting experience, I'm not going to be doing it again anytime soon... I have no idea what to do with the rest of the 9x13" tray that was left over. . Probably going to cut it up in squres, wrap them and freeze them until I find an ocasion to bring them out again.


Well-Known Member
lol, tasty treats
Give more info on how you prepared them
I make em, or any foods with weed butter i make
Which is pretty much THC Butter
And I get both highs, it sounds to me that you just grind-ed them up and added it to the batter?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the normal reaction for a first time brownie eater. Eating tends to pack more punch than smoking. How much pot did you add the recipe? I use anywhere from 7 grams to 10 grams depending on what the quality of weed I use. For pain management I eat a 1/2 inch square every 2 hours and it wworks quite well. Not too stoney to get things done but enough to calm down.


Active Member
Here's how I did it. I used an average sized pickle jar of mid grade buds and stems/shake. I didn't weigh it but it was about two hands full. I made cannabutter by melting butter in hot water over the stove, adding powdered cannabis from the blender, stirred for 30 min. (stinked up the entire house), put liquid butter/water mix in the freezer, waited and then scooped solidified cannabutter that formed on the top, melted it again, then strained it. I then used a recipe for brownies I got from the internet, replacing normal butter with the funky cannabutter. Cooked for 20 min. The end result was a smooth, moist texture. Probably needed more time in the oven, or maybe I used too much butter because it came out...well... moist and "buttery".

Too potent. Perhaps 1/4 of what I used would have been better.


Well-Known Member
I was told only to use leaves, seeing as bud is too strong. Then again i'm inexperienced, but aparently the leaves (of a female i assume) have enough THC to get you perty high off a couple of brownie squares...
Plz fill me in :)


Active Member
Male leaves can also be used :) and yes buds can also be used, depending on how potent you want them, when i cook butter, cook about 1 pd to about 1- 2 small handfuls leaf and let simmer for 6-10 hours, and flash boil with the oil.


stays relevant.
My lady just makes budder off of our trim... She knows how to dose it too... Always good stuff, and never tastes too much like weed.


Well-Known Member
My wife waters for me when I am too tired sometimes... and she tolerates all the time sacrificed to the garden... and she makes ganja cakes, pies, brownies, breads, cookies, pastas, meats, salads, etc. etc. all very very very good... mmmm shes the best...


Well-Known Member
Ok so leaves are Aok for brownies right?
Now do i need any preperation for them or just grab some leaves and whack em into the butter, simmer the butter for 30mins then drain the leaves?


Well-Known Member
you can put water butter and grind-ed up plant material in a pot and cook it for a lil bit and then strain the leaves out and let the stuff cool in the fridge or something and the butterweed will separate from the water and you have butter to cook with. Just scoop out the butter that is on top.
Happy eatins


Well-Known Member
Sorry, feeling like a dumbass here, so u make the cannibutter by mixing the leaves with the butter and boiling it and all then after its melted and sat hot you add water and put in fridge?
sorry u might have to run me through the entire process


Well-Known Member
no put water and butter together with the weed all at once in pot and boil then strain the weed out and pour liquid into a bowl or pan to cool in the fridge
scoop out the top layer