Browning and curling


Active Member
This developed in the last 72 hours. There was a little bit of brown spotting on some of the lower leaves, but in the last 72 hours, the browning really spread.

I have since dumped the 5-gal bucket res and scrubbed it out. Put in new water and Ph balanced it ~ 5.0-5.5. The ppm before nutes is at 145 ppm.

This time, I'm putting just 1 gallon of water in my 5-gallon hydro setup reservoir. I was putting 3 gallons in, but this is burning through nutes and water quite fast. An aquarium heater is raising the water temperature of the 1 gallon now from cold to around 75-78 degrees F before I put the nutes in (BMO's Super Plant Tonic has microorganisms in it and I don't want to kill them with cold water shock).

For nutes, I'm putting in all Blue Mtn Organics this time. I'm gonna to throw in 1 tblspoon ea: of Super Plant Tonic, Grow It Green (5-2-5), and and Flower Power (1-8-7). I'm hoping this will take care of any potential N or P deficiencies. The measurements there are what is recommended by BMO.

Three questions:

1) Do I really need to wait for the water to warm up before putting in the nutes and putting my plant back on?

2) Can I resume a 24x7 watering schedule? The plant is fed by a submersible pump and 2 drip lines and on either side of it. The local hydro guy said that I could run the pump 24x7 as long I also threw in an airstone and pump.

3) The brown root there. Is that root rot or just a natural tendency for roots to brown? The root is actually pretty brown---the flash bleached out the color in the photo. The rest of the plant's roots are white. Should I just pull off that one brown root to prevent any spreading of the problem?

Last note, I'm using a 600W MH light that sits above the canopy at around 18-20 inches. The temp of the grow room is usually 70-80 degrees with 20% humidity.

Many many thanks, gang!

Pictures posted below.



Well-Known Member
possibly nute burn, possibly 2 low humidity its recommended 50% ish and you stated its 20. i dont know for sure if that would cause it but its a guess which is better than nothing


Active Member
quick bump.

This spread to a good spread of the upper foliage and a few spots of the lower foliage in 72 hours. I pruned a bunch of the affected leaves (the plant is pretty flush with growth, thank goodness).

Anyone else see what's occurred? The browning was pretty pronounced before I trimmed off the leave. In a couple rare cases, the browning was at the edge of the leaves instead of the top of each curl.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Having a 20% humidity will dehydrate your plants making them think theyre in a desert, causing them to drink like shit. That would also probably cause the nute burn youre seeing there.

but this is burning through nutes and water quite fast.