Browning, necrosis, drooping leaves


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the water droplets, I just got done foilar feeding.


Strain - Blackjack from Nirvana seedbank.
Soil - Fox Farm's Ocean Forest soil.
Lights - 120watt CFL's hanging directly above the plant by about 4 inches.
PH - At first I was just using the water out of my well and then I got some ph test strips about a week ago and it turns out my water is about 5.0 in ph, and I've been feeding them with it for about 3 weeks. I don't know what the soil PH is because I have no meter.
Temp. - 70F - 75F
Humidity - 30% or lower

The leaves feel extremely crisp to the touch, almost like sandpaper.

As you can see in the picture there appears to be some browning spots/lines on the leaves. I suspect cal/mg deficiency due to the low PH from the water, however, I'm unsure. I thought I overwatered the plant and caused the drooping leaves so I haven't watered in the last 2 days. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
those pictures don't turn out very well for me...

does it look anything like this?

I use Fox Farm Happy Frog and this happened to my plant because I had too much Ca, and it was causing an Mg deficiency. I was using GH FloraNova Grow, and Happy Frog is already high in Ca (oyster and dolomite) I have since switched to Jack's Classic 30-10-10 and I'm already noticing improvement.



Well-Known Member
those pictures don't turn out very well for me...

does it look anything like this?

I use Fox Farm Happy Frog and this happened to my plant because I had too much Ca, and it was causing an Mg deficiency. I was using GH FloraNova Grow, and Happy Frog is already high in Ca (oyster and dolomite) I have since switched to Jack's Classic 30-10-10 and I'm already noticing improvement.

No they don't look like anything in your pics, but thank you for mentioning jack's classic. I may go with this for a bloom fert


Well-Known Member
you should use the 30-10-10 for veg, then switch to the 10-30-20 about 3 weeks or so into 12/12. if your leaves start to yellow at all then go back and give some more of the 30-10-10. ignore the usual forum paradigms, they are all mostly wrong.