Browning of the leaves


Active Member
hi, my name is joe, im a first time grower, and i have plants about an inch to two inches tall, with their second n third set of little leaves growing, and my one plant is getting brown leaves, why is this, can it spread to my other plants, and how can i stop it? thanks soo much


Active Member
no like the leaves are like curling inward towards the center of the leaf, n turning brown, if u want i can take a pic of it n post it.


Active Member
idk if u can c it well, but the top left, n bottm left leaves have the brown spots on them, n i dont use MG or ne thing, just clean water, not tap


Active Member
Blurry photo but it could be leaf burn from the lights.... Tell us more about your setup... What lights are u using how close are they and then what kinda dirt did u use, are these clones or are they from seed?

Sometimes when the leaves start to curl and stuff its because of heat from the lights.


Active Member
ok first they are from seed, idk wut kind of seed, probably shitty kind, but im useing the curly bulbs, the ones that save energy, two of them, 1700 lumens each, n there about an inch to an two inches away from the plants, im using just regular potting soil, and i water them in the morining a little, just enough to wet the soil, and at night the same, i have two computer fans blowing air around, one blowing fresh air in, n the other just to cerculate, and a Co2 chamber(2 liter bottle, with yeast n sugar mix, i have about 9 little plants, and im going to narrow them down as soon as i find out which ones are male n female, but i just want to know why my plant is getting brown, also this plant that is brown is different from the others, instead if being kind of shiny its more like dried out looking and dull, idk if that makes a difference, oh and its also the biggest one so far


Active Member
Hmm this is interesting. All i can say that might help other than me bumping this thread up, is that your potting soil may have a high ph. But that doesnt really sound right because the other 8 plants are okay. Could be bad genetics, depending on where u got the seed, idk.


Active Member
yah ive realized taht watering my plants twice a day is bad, ive since seen a difference in the plants condition, n it actually happened to my other plants, and i did a PH test n my soil n water was ok, so i think it was my humidity and watering, oh and by the way, wuts the best humidity?