Bryguy's Apartment Gro Journal WW/LSD/Deisal/Blue Widow


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Hello all and welcome to my grow journal!!!

I'm so excited to finally start growing again, and now there are even some peeps I can actually show this time, without fear of you knowing where I grow my stash :)

So, let's get started!

Equipment used:

Alright, first off we have 2 44 inch parabolic hoods. One for my 600w MH lamp and the other for my 1000w HPSg

Now, because we're doing this in an apartment, we need to have a bad ass air system. We can't be using your grand dad's closet fans to depend on me not getting evicted, so we're going all out. Here is a pic of the completed system:

(notice the box and the crate standing next to it--this thing is 9 feet tall. Make no mistake, stealth is of the upmost importance)

It has:

1 heavy duty clean air carbon filter
1 8' MAX Fan that can move 675 Square cubic feet per minute
1 GINORMOUS muffler system, to stop the neighbors from hearing the jet engine running inside my room

We will be using 3 different type of USHIO lights and 1 set of florescents.

For the first phase, we will be using a compact 2x2 T5 light system for our seedlings. This holds 6 2ft florescents and will be perfect for seeing our plants to through to the vegetative cycle

For our vegetative state, we will be using the 600 MH to grow the plants up to a foot and a half.

For our flowering state, we will be using 1 1000w HPS for the first 4-6 weeks, and then for the final 2-3 weeks, we will be adding a 600w HPS to the mix.

We will be using Fox Farms Ocean Forest for our entire grow.

My nutes:


Active Member
Part 2: Germination!

Ok, so for seeds I turned to Attitude for help. This is what they hooked me up with:

Here we have The Doggies Nuts: White Widow#1 Femenized--1st Place winner in the 9th Cannabis Cup


Pictured here is the Oregon Blue Fruit and Leshaze, neither of which are feminzed

Seeds not Shown: Barney's LSD (Feminized) Diesal (Non fem) Blue Widow (non fem) SkunkxNorthern Lights (Fem)

Next we threw these guys into some rapid rooters soaked in rooting hermone diluted water.

I then added a humidity tray and a grow heating pad and sat them underneith my floro


Active Member
Day 2:

I planted 7 seeds March 26 and 6 of them sprouted within 16 hours.

24 hours after this period, we have rapid root growth in 6 of the remaining seeds.

The two blue widows are taking off!! Both are showing signs of sprouting within a day!

The white widows are doing good as well. Widow 1 has rapid root growth and should be sprouting within 48-72 hours (I'm leaning on the 48)

WW 2 is not doing as good as the first. She sprouted late and only within the past 8 hours started experiencing rapid root growth.

The deisal is performing extremely well. I only planted one of these because it was the only freebie diesal I had. The seed was the size of an acorn, so I had high hopes that it would live up to it's task. So far, it is doing good!

The one remaining female LSD is doing well. She is experiencing rapid root growth but hasn't shown signs of starting to pop. It's only been 48 hours though, so we'll have a better estimate tomorrow on when she will be popping.
I hope she makes it, her twin sister didn't do so good. 1 femenized seed never germinated.

Here you can see one blue widow trying to pop out!


Well-Known Member
Niiiiiiiice Man!! Got a lot of good strains!! Cant wait to see your White Widow!! Thos were some expensive seeds! Sooo better get some bad-ass results with that! You got all teh nice ass equipment too man! Im soo fucking jealous! My broke ass is on unemplyment.. gettin under $200 a week.. adn its about to run out! =( fuckin sucks.. hopin to get a job at Rent-A-Center tho.. they start off at 11.35 adnd bumb you up to 11.70 after 120 days.. adn you HAVE to work 48 hours.. soo ill be grossin like 590 a week!! should hear somethin by Tuesday.. soo if I do.. ima upgrade my shit BIG time! lol. have some nice equip. like you got. Good Luck man.. im deff subscribin! +Rep for havin such a BAD-ASS setup man!!


Active Member
Looking good. How did you make your muffler?

Thanks C, I was looking around for people that grew WW similiar to mine and your beginning set up with them was what led me to your grow journal. Good luck with the Rent-A-Center job, that's a lot more than what I'm being paid right now. I have a $5000 tax return coming in a week and a half, but other than that, I have no money atm. I too, will need to be looking for a job here soon.

The mufflers are sold at your nearest Grow Supply. They have small mufflers that cut back the sound as well as REALLY big mufflers, but the thing is though is that the tiny muffler and big muffler are the same price, but the bigger one is obviously better. The thing is is having 9 feet to add the filter, fan, and muffler together!.

To give you an idea of what it sounds like: Before you add the muffler, turn on the fan and inside the room in sounds like a jet engine. Leave the room and close the door (this is what the adjacent neighbors are hearing) and it sounds like you are running a shop vacuum cleaner nonstop.

Add the muffler and it sounds like you are running a regular, mounted fan in your room. Close the door and you hear nothing.

The muffler systems are $149.00. Since most of my equipment is in the $200+ range, that's not too bad.

Also this is my second grow and my first from seed. I moved out of my condo on a snowboard resort mountain (my condo was a perk from being a supervisor at the resort) to live in the ghetto of portland and grow weed lol

UPDATES: Five out of 6 of my germinating seeds decided to join me for my party! Last night, the other 3 strains popped dirt! LSD is coming up, the one blue widow that I showed last night is standing straight up now, the second blue widow popped, one White widow is about to pop (rose out of the ground as seed???, but it's about to shell off the seed in the next 12 hours)
Plus the Diesal is also jumping out.

ALSO: I checked with the Attitude website, all of my freebies are feminized, so we have guaranteed females here.

My one white widow that's lagging behind is still lagging behind.

Last night she had a tadpole tail, today it's about 2 1/2 inches long. I think IF it pops, it will be in the next day and a half, this one seems to be takin it's time lol

Pics coming after I upload them here shortly!


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Someone said this grow was a total sausage fest, so I brought some ladies to the house.

Fellas meet Bitches, bitches, dudes.



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Alright, so now it's time to update my grow journal!

So what have I done in the past 32 hours?

I allowed the girllies to finish out their day under my flourescents. About mid-afternoon the stalks on the OTHER plants (the Blue widow seems to be growing at a rate of about a day faster than the other plants) The WW#1, Deisal, and LSD gained color from pale white to full green. They had microscopic serrated fans inside the seedling leaves and they were doing well. I let them sleep for 6 hours and then when they woke up: BAM!they got smacked in the face by a 600W MH for a sun. This was like steroids for them! I had them sitting about 2 1/2-3 feet from the light and kept the humidity dome over them and then I passed out.

When I woke up today at 4:30 in the afternoon (I went to bed at 6 in the morning lol) I woke up to this:

They all took off, growing by at least a half inch with broader serrated leaves and brighter green (not the darker green) color.

The WW#1 that I may have killed the other day is also making a come back. It was like a pale white last night, and I thought it was surely going to die. Today I can back and it's almost completely green. it has one broken seedling leaf, but 2 microscopic serrated leaves (still a day behind the others) coming out of it. I'm confident that if I am careful with it that it will come out like the beautiful autistic stepchild that you have to grow to love. :)

I took them out of their dome for their first 2 hours of light, but then not wanting them to dry out under an intense hilide, I just added the dome back with some fresh water sprayed inside of it. The humidity under the dome is a bit low, at 20% I'm thinking of bringing a bucket of water inside there to add humidity to the room.

I am also in the process of looking for my digital camera's power cable (which is also the transfer cable to my computer). This will offer a lot better detail of pics. ATM I'm using a camera phone. Enjoy though!



Well-Known Member
Wow.. you werent kididng huh!!?? they took right off!! Congrads man! Thats always a good start.. when they start off growing that fast!! I cannot wait to see these things finished!! Its gonna drive me CRAZY having to wait 12-15 weeks for them to finish!!! lol. Im really curious to see the Blue Widow!


Well-Known Member
lookin good. shit man, you shelled out some bucks for the doggies nuts...cant wait to see how they turn out. sub'd for sure. +rep.


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UPDATE: Day 7 Start of week 2

Ok, so it's time for an update! Actually I came to update this 2 nights ago and when I was almost done with it, I accidently clicked something and I went to a different page. I quickly backtracked to this page to find my entire update was gone, so I was like Fuck this! lol

Ok, so Pictures are coming in the next update. My camera phone is really shitty and I can't seem to find my digital camera recharge cable so I'm kinda stuck. I can't really show off the plant detail because my phone is like 3 megapixels. They kind of need to be a little bigger for everyone to see the visual differences that's been going on. So far I've had no signs of nute burn, I've not had any stretching, no discolorations, everything has been going really, really, really, good.

So it's been an entire week since I breathed life onto these little seeds. I lost one seed in germination and nearly lost one due to over watering (it was the only one that seemed to mind the watering), but it made a full recovery and seems to be fine, although it's either been stunted (I don't think so) or it's lagging about a day and a half behind her sisters in terms of growth developement.

So on Day 5, I tipped the Rapid Rooters upside down and saw the roots were sticking out. This could mean only one thing: They need bigger homes.

I decided against putting my babies straight into Fox Farms soil, I've heard that it is a little strong for seedlings. Instead I opted for the familiar miracle grow seedling mix with perlite. I gave moderate amounts of water to get them through the 24 hour period.
My feeding schedule has them to be fed the next day and I didn't want to give them their first weeks' nutes right after they had been retranplanted to a new home, so I gave them just enough water for them to be cool with it. Also: They were transplanted into 1 gallon buckets

24 hours later (yesterday) I added their first taste of nutes: I gave them a full dose of big bloom (.01-.3-.7) and they seem to be loving it!

I've got the 3rd set of leaves coming in on 5 out of 6 (of course WW2 is a day behind)

All plants have serrated leaves that are an inch long, about half an inch thick (Oddly enough, except for the LSD and the widows. They are showing much scrawnier, more sativa looking leaves)

I'd say they are al standing between 3 and 4 inches tall. Good healthy color, all around.

I'm looking over my nute chart and I think I'll be making adjustments to fit each strains individual needs. I'm guesstimating the Deisal to be an 8 week plant, the LSD and the Blue Widows to be about 9 weeks, and the White Widows will be between 9-11 weeks.

Pics coming after I wake up tomorrow to show the over night's growth.


Active Member
Day 9

Just another small update: all plants are doing well. WW2 has started sprouting her 3rd leaf set. Pictures are coming in the morning, I want to get an idea of how they are doing so far. Color is good, the leaves are not dryed out, everything seems to be going great.

Current temp 87F (temp cools from 75f in the morning to about 88 by the end of the day, right before the lights shut off for the night)

Plants are showing about half an inch of new stem growth above the coton leaves. I'll be watering with fresh water tomorrow.

I've also finalized how their individual nuting schedule is going to look.

Today I lowered the 600MH from 3 1/2 feet to 25 inches obove the plant tops. I've been checking them frequently to deterimine if this is going to dry them out, by feeling the leaves, I've decided that they have been handling the light very well.

So that's it for today's update. Tomorrow I'll be showing off pics. I don't think I've shown a pic for almost a week now, so hopefully they'll be looking good.


Well-Known Member
Happy Easter Man!! and glad to hear the plants are coming along nicely! =D Didnt know u got "Doggies Nuts" seeds. Those things are madd fuckin expensive!! Better be worth it! lol. =)

And yeaa, i've had the same problem as you... write out this big..long ass , in depth update.. and the it all gets erased... it fuckin SUCKS!!!! I HATE wen that happens! I usually just give up too. Or.. if I NEED to give an update.. i give a 1/2 ass update. lol.

Cant wait to see some pics man!!
Looks nice man. I'll be interested to see how this one plays out. I'm in the process of putting together something similar myself. I am also in an urban environment so stealth is of the utmost importance to me as well. I'm a big fan of the carbon filter / muffler set up you have. I will be working with a little less space and only plan on growing a couple plants with a scrog. In your next update do you mind posting a few pics of the full setup? Pulling up a chair for this one.


Active Member
The final construction to the flower room will take place later this week. I'm assuming these girls will be ready to being flower within another two weeks and my tax refund is coming tomorrow or wednesday, so I'll have the final parts to my room together. What I have left to get: 1 squirral fan, some black/white sheet plastic (need to cover the floor and window). My current set is in a different room, 2 fans running over the plants, which are 6 1 gall pots sitting in a water tray. My 600W MH with the perabollic hood is sitting about 18 inches off the top of my plants. My room starts out at around 76f at the start of the day, then climbs to about 86-88f by the end of the day. They are at a 18/6 light cycle atm. My carbon filter is not yet hooked up because the plants are producing no oder atm. I'm getting my environmental controls later this week that will control my Co2, humidity, Temp, and Fan Speed (very important, you don't want it running full blast outside the window, muffler or not, when people walk by it), and that will pretty much finish off my room.

I did exchange my Co2 burner back though. I am looking into having a 10 or 20 gall CO2 tank mailed out to me. Then I'll pick up a regulator from my grow shop for about a hundred bucks, then I'll just drive the tank to downtown and have the thing filled up, but it's not totally necessary. I'd like to get it if I can though, just because if I'm going to grow buds, i want to grow dank buds----however dank buds and REALLY dank buds don't sell for THAT much more thank already dank buds....although they will get denser because of the Co2, really, they are going to just look better. So Co2 might come after this harvest so that I have something else to compare with when I start my next grow (in about a month).

Speaking of which, I will be germinating again in the next week or two to get crop number 2 going. I've got 1 blue widow left, 1 Oregon Blue Fruit, 3 LSDs, 3 NLXSkunk mix, 2 dynafim white widows, and 8 Doggies Nuts white widows left.

I'm thinking of germinating another 3 seeds for the purpose of using for mothers. Suggestions?

I'll be taking 2 clones from each of my 6 plants OR 4 clones from 2 of my best strains that are coming up now.


Active Member
God, I hate losing my message after I start posting. I hit like backspace and I back the page up and I lose everything I've posted.


Day 14

Ok, so I added week 2 nutrients 2 days ago. 2 Teaspoons of Grow Big (7-7-1) and 2 tablespoons of Tiger Bloom (.07-0.1-0.1) PPM was at 850 when measured

The gals soaked this up and digging it. I may see some slight yellowing of the very, very, tips, but I'm not totally sure. It's not enough for me to trip and think that I'm totally over nuting them (as I should be nuting them with seperate mixtures, which is probably what I'll start doing after this next plain watering on Saturday)

There is a complete visual difference in my plants, far enough for me to give you guys a picture update: So here you are!

Dina Fem-Deisal

White Widow #1

Here is the gimped widow, still doing well since I gimped her back at seedling growth, she's fallen about a day or two behind the rest. Now that she's sprouting her vegetative leaves though, I think that she will make it to flower

This is my second star, after the White Widow. Her growth has to be the fastest of all the plants. She's taken everything I can give her and she's been loving it! If you think this one is hot, check out Blue Widow #2!

Check out the crazy cow lick this chick has on her leaves. I'm not sure if there is something wrong with her. She just seems to be growing that way. Cool look, though.

Sorry, I forgot to flip this one before I put it on the web. This is just a pick to show my stem growth. I think because I'm limited on soil (getting more today)
I planted them a little low in their buckets. I don't think the bottom portion of the stem was getting enough air movement, so the stems are a little weak. I made this brace for them yesterday, though. I'm getting my fox farm soil from my buddy's house today. My plans was so that I didn't cover too much of the stems with soil, I was going to tip the bucket, pull the whole plant out (soil and all). Throw a bit of soil at the bottom of the pot (to boost the plant up) then call it good. I think within a week, this should remedy the situation)


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So a friend dropped by some clones today that I asked for over a month ago. Some "friend". He brought me half dead clones, covered in powdered mold and DEFINATELY spidermites. Unfortunately he was gone before I looked at them, and now I'm stuck with some spidermite plants. NO GOOD. they were in my grow room for about 10 minutes, long enough for me to see the mites on them. I then put them in a box and took them out on the deck. I called my buddy up and bitched pretty hard, I doubt he'll fix the situation. Some friend, eh? So is there a chance that my nice crop might get infected? I vacuumed the area where the infected plants where and I took them directly out of the house. What do you guys think?