Bud "boosters". The real deal or BS?


Well-Known Member
Used big bud powder for quite some time. I think it makes a difference buts its hard to say. Id say it does. But a lot of people will tell you to go get Molasses.


Active Member
I use molasses already. So, Yota, are you telling me that molasses to some is compairable to what these are supposed to do? Um.... during what part of the flower cycle do you use it? ANd what grow medium are you using, I'm in soil.


Well-Known Member
supposedly molasses is supposed to do the same thing as the more expensive alternatives (Big bud). But, big bud should have some extras in it, is it worth it? I wish i knew.

And bud blood is i hear is supposed to be really good, but ive never used it


Well-Known Member
cant say 100% for soil but im pretty sure you can use them w/o trouble.

could ask AN they always help when i have questions

for me i used bloom booster with big bud and blood different times. not all 3 together yet. huge improvement imho i always like to grow as big as possible. havent set any records or nuthin, but i aim high.

heh, almost typed "i am high"
prolly cuz is true to

but yea, its good stuff, just be careful not to burn em. its strong stuff to

thats my 2c


Active Member
Thank you kindly all for your opining on this matter. I decided to go with
High Tech Garden Supply

It comes in today and I couldnt be happier.... got 2 1/2 weeks left till harvest. Hope it works, trying it out on a few plants and see what happens. Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Molasses is as good as all the products listed below but with molasses you can use it during the entire grow, veg and flower.. Your plants will love you for it..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Whats bud blood?
bud blood makes your bud fater & more dence. i didnt use it my first grow & hade airy bud, then i waz told about bud blood & wow what a diff. im sold on the stuff. u use it for only 1st week of bloom. giant bloom, dr. horbys big bud, i used the rest of my flower cycle.


Well-Known Member
Molasses is as good as all the products listed below but with molasses you can use it during the entire grow, veg and flower.. Your plants will love you for it..
Yes and no. In my opinion the AN stuff is enough better to pay the price. I mean, your mileage may vary, and I do like molasses, but I love to really pump my plants with this stuff, and it makes a BIG difference in my experience.

Ultimately do what works best for you, but if you're like me you won't want to ever quit using Bud Blood, Big Bud, etc once you've started. Those yields are addictive!


Well-Known Member
bud blood makes your bud fater & more dence. i didnt use it my first grow & hade airy bud, then i waz told about bud blood & wow what a diff. im sold on the stuff. u use it for only 1st week of bloom. giant bloom, dr. horbys big bud, i used the rest of my flower cycle.

Thats a good benifit of bud blood, but the main reason for it being is because it forces your clones and plants to flower faster. It claims it can take time off of your harvest (like a week) but I have not comfirmed that but will with next grow.

AN's 3 step high yield program: Bud blood, Big bud, Overdrive ftw

Bud Blood
Yes, you heard correctly. Bud Blood forces your plants to flower earlier. It makes them put on more budding sites. The budding sites pop out on your stems like popcorn popping. Bud Blood flower stimulator sets up the budding sites so your plants produce bigger blossoms than they naturally would. Imagine larger harvests right now.

But the benefits don't stop there! Along with giving you earlier flowers, more flowers and bigger flowers, Bud Blood bloom stimulator also:

  • Reduces crop losses
  • Increases flower size and number
  • Stimulates stronger, larger root systems for faster growth and bigger flower formation
  • Provides instantly available, high quality nutrition for more vigorous growth/production
  • Reduces production costs by shortening crop cycle length
  • Increases flower appearance, aroma, & taste for higher value crops


New Member
Yes bud boosters make a big diffrerence,more crystals,size,and overall health of the buds...use AD Bud Blood for the first week of flowering as this will make the plants show sex ALOT faster,then usew Big Bud ...after Big Bud use OVERDRIVE.....use these 3 products with a good base fertilizer....it really does work..especially the bud blood,it really promotes FASTER budding..