Bud Rot: Barney's G13, Phat Furity


Well-Known Member
So I've got some G13 and Phat Fruity going outdoors. Semi-guerilla grow. My G13 is doing good, but we have had a lot of rain lately. It's about 4-5 weeks out. Lately, after the rain, I have been going to the grow spot to shake water off the plants. So far no bud rot, but with the long term weather outlook I am rather worried. I will just have to keep shaking the water off, and see how it goes. They are tall and skinny, so that helps. Now my phat fruity is anther story. It was stunted early on in growth and is only about 15 inches tall. But its location doesn't get much wind and the buds are a lot more dense and thicker. It is only about 3 weeks away. I went to check it yesterday after it had been raining the last two days. First time in a week or so I have checked it and it has BUD ROT. CRAP. They way it grew it split into 3 main colas. I completely chopped off the main cola with the worst rot, and picked away what I could on the other colas. Should I just chop the whole thing? It is far from done, but is frosty, just still has some new pistil growth. I doubt the bud rot will get better, especially from the humidity and weather wwe have been having lately. So should I chop the whole thing and see how it dries and cures out? Or let it go and hope for the best?

How do fellow outdoor growers take precautions for bud rot if they need to be low key and doing a guerilla grow? Grow sativas only? I had some Diesel autoflowers that had bud rot last year.


Well-Known Member
some guy posted up about using a torch to fry the rot. I guess you just do it quick enough to not hurt the plant more than the ro would have. he swears it works. I tried it but just did so can't say if it works. Can't really see why it wouldn't although he got some griief from others that thought it was a crappy way to do it but I like anything that doesn't involve chem so I tried it. Bud was rotting anyhow soooooooooo wtf


Active Member
some guy posted up about using a torch to fry the rot. I guess you just do it quick enough to not hurt the plant more than the ro would have. he swears it works. I tried it but just did so can't say if it works. Can't really see why it wouldn't although he got some griief from others that thought it was a crappy way to do it but I like anything that doesn't involve chem so I tried it. Bud was rotting anyhow soooooooooo wtf
To be fair a 'torch' either the naked flame type or bulb type sound very daft.

I think the only answer to protect against enviromental issues is to grow at various different site locations and as many plants as possible. When growing outdoors its always a bit hit and miss, depending obviously on location.


Active Member
I got bud rot too. I just cut it out as soon as i see first signs and check to see and changes in color frequently.
I personally bought some bud rot stop.. cus that shit can happen at any time.

It's not rainy for me.. just really hot.. and I think it cooking the oils being produced by the buds makn them rot.