Bud rot


I have bud rot that I didn't catch until I started harvest can I just cut away the rotted area and keep the rest or is it all a loss


Well-Known Member
Get fans going, as many as you can. If you have a huge garden get a bud trimmer. Pick it out while your trimming REALLY well. If your drying on racks make sure theres fans blowing right on the racks. After its dryed spread it all out on a white table with good lights and go through it all again to make sure its all gone. Youll lose lots but you should be able to save a bunch. Break down all the colas, all of them, into nuggets. The biggest thing is stopping the mold right now and making sure it doesnt keep going while your drying. Also dont get ahead of yourself and cut down too much at once if you have lots of plants . Dealing with too many plants at once will bog you down. And if you can do the work outside and dry inside so you dont have a pile of moldy branches and trim just molding on the floor next to your drying buds. Clean trimmer reservoirs out nightly or theyll mold. Set your trim date for two weeks earlier next year.