Budding female, slowly yellowing


I have a female plant that has been budding for about 38 days, it seems to be slowly continually getting more yelllow and yellow, the leaves sag down, yellow and die, it seems to be affecting the buds as the pistils are slowly browning and curling back. The plant isnt long from being ready take a look...
What should i do? should i begin flushing? transplant into a bigger pot?


Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
No T-plant, useless. Besides 5 gallon is fine for the roots system---objectively speaking. Interesting how the species uses up the Nitrogen in the plant instead of going to the soil. I would flush her about 12 days before your tris are ripe. See many threads on harvest. Yellowing is another tag you will get more insight on the normality of that too. Also if that was a stick and go and you were not around to prune her check out FIM for a tag about pruning as you can have more then one big cona you know? Welcome to the forum---most of this stuff is really been gome thru at some point. Def no T-plant though.


Well-Known Member
it doesnt really look ready to me, or close to ready. give her a little nitrogen and give her another month or 2 and reach her full potential.