Buds are stretching!!


Well-Known Member
I couldnt find aynthing in the faq about this so i thought i'd post a thread.

It was about a month into flowering, i have a sativa dom. plant, and i didnt want to transplant but i had no choice and now that the roots are growing the buds are starting to stretch and get all loose and stringy lookin. i gave them a dose of molasses to try n bulk them up but they are still stretching. the tops are getting really stringy too.

Does anyone have any advice or experience on this shit?or should i just let it grow out. I dont want loose shity buds :cry:


Well-Known Member
its normal for them to double in flowering, but you probably already knew that. what kind of lights and has there been any changes in distance or anything?


Well-Known Member
i got a 400 watt floralux sun system 12 inches above them. yeah i know they double in flowering. and they were doing awesome until i transplanted them about a month into flowering (my mistake). the buds were forming real nice and dense but i had to transplant them cause the plants were starting to look sick from being root bound.

my question was how can i fix this to make them stop stretching and start flowering more densely? or do i have to let it go?


Well-Known Member
i got a 400 watt floralux sun system 12 inches above them. yeah i know they double in flowering. and they were doing awesome until i transplanted them about a month into flowering (my mistake). the buds were forming real nice and dense but i had to transplant them cause the plants were starting to look sick from being root bound.

my question was how can i fix this to make them stop stretching and start flowering more densely? or do i have to let it go?
my lst was about 3" tall when i flowered it
now looks



Well-Known Member
I haven't flowering or even growen yet but I'm gessing the reason why they are doing that is because the bigger pot you put them into is telling them that they can grow some more , I've read that giving them B-1 Thrive or Super Thrive will make the buds more dence


Well-Known Member
I haven't flowering or even growen yet but I'm gessing the reason why they are doing that is because the bigger pot you put them into is telling them that they can grow some more , I've read that giving them B-1 Thrive or Super Thrive will make the buds more dence
no that's proposterous. the reason why the plants stretch is because the light is off for 12 hours and during that time they stretch. 24/0 plants grow denser than 18/6 plant because they are exposed to darkness. ANd superthrive stimulates root growth and plant growth i'm pretty sure it doesn't make denser buds. however, it might speed up the flowering procress


Well-Known Member
no that's proposterous. the reason why the plants stretch is because the light is off for 12 hours and during that time they stretch. 24/0 plants grow denser than 18/6 plant because they are exposed to darkness. and superthrive stimulates root growth and plant growth i'm pretty sure it doesn't make denser buds. however, it might speed up the flowering procress
yes and plant growth but this can also help bud growth / dencity , I'll have to try that as an experament when I start growing


Well-Known Member
yes and plant growth but this can also help bud growth / dencity , I'll have to try that as an experament when I start growing
no i dont mean BUD GROWTH i mean PLANT GROWTH as in plant material growth there's a big difference. ANd you did not read what i said. a strain isn't going to get denser than it's max. and it's the amount of lumens that determine the density of the buds. if the leaves are bigger and healthier(due to superthrive) then in turn it will make the buds denser because they're absorbing more light


Active Member
One thing that hasn't been asked yet is what type of light you are using? If you are using a 400W metal halide bulb your buds WILL BE STRINGY. Although MH bulbs are faster in veg, they make the bud light and airy as well. Get an HPS, and your issue will be somwhat better, though it may be a little late now, you can still harden them up some.


Well-Known Member
issue has been resolved so no worries people thanks for the input tho. and i would only use superthrive for reviving my babies.


Well-Known Member
what did you do, i have a nice big cola at the top and the plant pnly has about a 10 days till i chop her. i noticed that at the top there are a few bud stalks (minimal leaves but popping out pistils) reaching for the sky. they stretch outside of teh bud mass. the light is 70 watt hps supplemented by 2 4ft flouro gro tubes. i read somewhere that its the plant try to reach out to hopefully get pollentated because its nearing the end of its life cycle. anyway, howd you remedy it?


Well-Known Member
what did you do, i have a nice big cola at the top and the plant pnly has about a 10 days till i chop her. i noticed that at the top there are a few bud stalks (minimal leaves but popping out pistils) reaching for the sky. they stretch outside of teh bud mass. the light is 70 watt hps supplemented by 2 4ft flouro gro tubes. i read somewhere that its the plant try to reach out to hopefully get pollentated because its nearing the end of its life cycle. anyway, howd you remedy it?

sorry i couldnt get to you sooner but i dont have the internet and i gotta use someone else's computer to get on.

but all i did was switch to diff. nutes that had more potash and less nitrogen and bought some big bud and some overdrive and it made a big difference. even those top colas that usually dont fill out all the way packed on some weight. and i also bought a new 400 wat hps bulb. after 12 flowering months they have virtually lost more than half their listed lumens.

after all that i have noticed remarkable changes in the first 2 weeks....great results!

if you get some big bud and overdrive i suggest getting the micro grow and bloom nutrients to go with it. about $90.00 it'll cost ya but its worth every penny.