Buds for less: 'Grow 8 oz. of Bud for Less Then $100'


Long time smoker, first time grower..
I've picked up a book called Buds for less: 'Grow 8 oz. of Bud for Less Then $100'


It's a complete guide to growing dank buds on a budget.
Before I committed to buying all the stuff that I need according to the book I was wondering if anyone on this site has even used this book as a guideline. I'd like to know if it works, doesn't work, works but not exactly the way you might think, and such..

Also what kind of CFL's and soil's did you use?
Any other tips or insight is much appreciated.
Thank you all for your time.

bongsmilieONE LOVE:bigjoint:

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
How much did the book cost, is that factored in with the $100?

IDK dude, sounds like another get rich quick scheme...

growing the herb is different than obtaining a high quality fruit from it...

I bet the book gets you half way through veg and then leaves you with a
deficient malnutritioned plant....

I would say go a more reliable route.
Im no experienced grower but my advice, save the money you'll pay for the book, dont buy it and ask some master growers here... plus they will be able to help you along the way if you run into trouble


How much did the book cost, is that factored in with the $100?

IDK dude, sounds like another get rich quick scheme...

growing the herb is different than obtaining a high quality fruit from it...

I bet the book gets you half way through veg and then leaves you with a
deficient malnutritioned plant....

I would say go a more reliable route.

Yeah it walks you through the WHOLE process..
It's a legit book from an author with the alias of SeeMoreBuds

It walks you through the veg process, and on into flowering, and then on to harvesting and curing.

There is a link to buy the book..
It costs 15-25 dollars depending where you get it at, but I don't think that thats included in the 100 dollar budget.
Heres another link to the authors other books:

You can also download it for free as a PDF file if you look hard enough.
Thank you for your insight. :]


Well-Known Member
The Author is GardenKnowm on RIU. It works if you are a master grower with good genetics.

I have the book...it is a good read with lots of little pot facts in the margin...but do not expect to see the same results. You can grow 1-4oz per plant depending on the strain and the conditions...(of course more is possible but not the norm)

Save your money on cfl's and get a HPS from an on-line source.

Also do not expect results that fast...especially from seed.



Active Member
If you want a good grow room that produces a minimum of 8 oz of quality herb it will definitely cost you more then $100 initial investment. You at least need a 400w hps if not a 600 or 1000w. A good HID light alone will cost you more then $100 not including fans, ventilation, pots, water, nutes, soil or soil-less medium, thermometer hygrometer, possibly carbon filter, PH pen, tds pen, ect

If you skimp on the investment you may be skimping on the herb quality as well and definitely the yield. Remember that most successful grows pay for the equipment with the first harvest or two. If you aren't willing to spend more money you will most likely be disappointed with your yield, and it will be a waste of time.


The Author is GardenKnowm on RIU. It works if you are a master grower with good genetics.

I have the book...it is a good read with lots of little pot facts in the margin...but do not expect to see the same results. You can grow 1-4oz per plant depending on the strain and the conditions...(of course more is possible but not the norm)

Save your money on cfl's and get a HPS from an on-line source.

Also do not expect results that fast...especially from seed.

Thanks man, this is exactly the kind of response I was looking for, and realistically I'm not looking for 8 oz. I just want some personal buds so I quite spending my fucking extra money on dank. Sounds to me like this might not be my solution.


If you want a good grow room that produces a minimum of 8 oz of quality herb it will definitely cost you more then $100 initial investment. You at least need a 400w hps if not a 600 or 1000w. A good HID light alone will cost you more then $100 not including fans, ventilation, pots, water, nutes, soil or soil-less medium, thermometer hygrometer, possibly carbon filter, PH pen, tds pen, ect

If you skimp on the investment you may be skimping on the herb quality as well and definitely the yield. Remember that most successful grows pay for the equipment with the first harvest or two. If you aren't willing to spend more money you will most likely be disappointed with your yield, and it will be a waste of time.
Do you think its possible to give me a list of the basics I will need to grow 1-3 plants and have a good yeild?
Well if it's written by a a well-know RIU member that makes it more reliable. its still has its pro's and con's (in my opinion)... before you buy it (if you do), I'd ask some master growers here to help u build a grow room along your guidelines(like size, position and shiz like that), then along the way you could have whoever helped you guide you through the whole process and help you with anything that stumps you... the book in my mind would be a last resort, thats just my opinion, so don't let it completely change ur mind about the book... just take it into consideration...


Maybe I'll be able to help myself out..
I might just get everything according to the book and write a journal following it to help others like me with this book.
If it works then hey! Maybe we have a revolution on our hands.. If it doesn't then eh I'm out 100 bucks and a FEM Blueberry seed.


Well-Known Member
personally after reading the book throughly, im impressed. if you want to grow with cfl's then read/buy the book. it is available for reading with pics if its googled properly. however i suggest purchasing the book if u like it. but seriously your not going to find a more step by step simple guide to growing from seed with cfl's in most bookstores. if u want to use HID then this wont help you.

and contrary to what people tell you on here, it is very possible to get the 3 ounces off one plant grown the same way shown in the book. you DO need good genetics tho... bad genetics equals bad plants. obviously growing a big tropical sativa wouldnt work good with this book, even tho an experienced master could make it work perfectly. id suggest getting some afghan, nothern lights, hindu-kush, or sensi star genetics if your a newbie and want to try this. those are good established indicas that produce rich heavy buds without much hassle or height. whatever u choose, u want a stable, predictable plant to do this. he obviously got some damn good mango seeds to do that, ive never known mango to be as good of a strain as the book claims but that just goes to show you it can be done.

personally i think im gonna give it a shot and try it the book's way this time.... maybe ill have some posts in the future to show.

hope this helps... have any questions u think i can help with, give me a private msg.

as always, be safe and be green!

- smellzlikeskunk


Well-Known Member
IMO the heavy yielding strains are less potent.

You absolutely could grow a couple plants with the method used in the book. Although he initially talks about 6-42w cfl, in the photo's he is running 8...336w...might as well run a 400w HPS...$119 from HTG supply...add another couple of hundred for a fan and air cooled hood...(shop around for fan, can get nice blower for under $100)

If you plan on having the CFL's in an enclosed space...you need some ventilation anyway...THEY ARE HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ran 10 and they are just as hot as my 400w HPS...the heat is just less localized, and therefore harder to eliminate!

Trust me...after the first grow you will be wanting an HID and wishing you saved your 100 bucks...at least this was my experience. Unfortunately I bought the book and ran off to Home Depot and Wal-Mart before coming to RIU;-)



Well-Known Member
i have this book. it is a good guideline and is a good picture journal. i have a few problems with the grow though. for one he uses miracle grow. there is a couple other issues i had with it, i cant think of them now, but for the most part it is a good guide and he does end up with a good harvest. He grew mango i believe and i was growing mango at the same time and his buds looked similar to what i grew under my hps and he was using cfls.


Well-Known Member
I used that book for my first grow, ended up costing 250$ and i got an oz, followed it all to a tee, oh well


I accept with information: If you want a good grow room that produces a minimum of 8 oz of quality herb it will definitely cost you more then $100 initial investment. You at least need a 400w hps if not a 600 or 1000w. A good HID light alone will cost you more then $100 not including fans, ventilation, pots, water, nutes, soil or soil-less medium.


Well-Known Member
I accept with information: If you want a good grow room that produces a minimum of 8 oz of quality herb it will definitely cost you more then $100 initial investment. You at least need a 400w hps if not a 600 or 1000w. A good HID light alone will cost you more then $100 not including fans, ventilation, pots, water, nutes, soil or soil-less medium.
It's written by SeeMoreBuds though, the guy who gets 6 pounds off of 4x600watts, so go figure.


Well-Known Member
if you go to youtube and type in MR. green and he will show you how to grow from start to finish for free