Bug ID Help


Active Member
Any help identifying the critters in the attached photos would be greatly appreciated. They are all over the tops of the leaves and have created extensive black spotting everywhere. Thanks!

Bug ID 1.jpgBug ID 3.jpgBug ID 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
sorry to tell you my man but they look like THRIPS to me.

They look like the western flower thrips

Get yourself some spinosad this will kill them.

from the black spots all over your leaves it looks like you have quite an infestation of them as this is usually fecal matter (their shit)

They lay eggs in your leaves and their larvae eat their way out of your leaves creating what look like windows in your leaves, then they drop to your medium and feast on your roots then they grow into adults and are either winged or wingless.

Make sure you spray spinosad on the tops and undersides of your leaves and also give your medium a good drenching too.

Hope this helps
